correcting the traditional miseducation which is the world's great handicap, there is no greater opportunity than that offered in Christian Science of replacing the scholastic material concept of the Bible with its true spiritual import.
One of the most interesting things apparent in the growth of Christian Science is that it does not appeal especially to one class of society more than to another, nor does it require any particular degree of educational attainment before it can be accepted; in fact, Christian Science is readily acknowledged by many who have little, if any, familiarity with the language in which it has been promulgated by its Discoverer.
In a recent issue there appears a report of a sermon which is such a sweeping and wholesale condemnation of Christian Science as our critic conceives of it, that your moderate readers may be relied upon to discount its gross exaggeration.
From a heart overflowing with gratitude I send this testimony, hoping it may help some other seeker after Truth as I have been helped and encouraged by reading testimonies from others.
After a few weeks' illness with what the physician called heart failure in a very serious form, I was told that it would be at least a year before I could recover my full strength, but I instinctively rebelled against this verdict and having known of some good healing work done in our family through Christian Science I decided to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I have experienced so much joy and help from reading the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel that I, too, would bear witness to the glorious freedom which Christian Science brings.
Many blessings have come to me during the seventeen years in which I have been a student of Christian Science Early in December, 1918, on a return trip from the East, I was taken violently ill, but I thought of Jacob and knew that God, omnipresent good, would sustain me as Jacob was sustained.
A little over four years ago my mother was healed in Christian Science, and shortly after that I purchased a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
For one who has been lifted out of a mental and physical hell to a conscious realization of the fact that the kingdom of heaven is within and at hand, it takes more than words to express that gratitude which deeds alone can attest.
Charles Foerster
with contributions from Charles Foerster
About four years ago I was suffering from stomach and bowel trouble, and one day after trying all sorts of material remedies with no improvement I called on a Christian Science practitioner.
Nine years ago I could not play the games of boyhood with my school fellows, because of heart trouble so severe that even nominal exertion usually prostrated me.
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