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With a deep sense of gratitude for the numerous blessings...
With a deep sense of gratitude for the numerous blessings which have come to me during the past five years, I send this testimony. I decided to call on a Christian Science practitioner after four operations had failed to heal me of an internal trouble of twelve years' standing, and when told that a fifth operation was advised. The healing was slow, but this made me study more earnestly to learn what God really is and man's relationship to his creator. I have, however, had many quick healings. An attack of ptomaine poisoning in its worst form was overcome in one hour through the loving help of a practitioner and my husband's reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Headaches, fallen arches, and many minor ailments have been healed through the reading of the textbook which our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, so lovingly gave to mankind.
One of the most marvelous quick healings which I have experienced, came when I had been interested in Christian Science only one year. While I was helping my cook in the kitchen one day, boiling grease was spilled over my chest. The pain to mortal sense was intense, and I cried aloud just for a second; then the thought came to me to apply Christian Science. The "scientific statement of being," given us on page 468 of Science and Health, was declared and the sense of God's presence was wonderfully felt. After about five minutes the pain was gone and I was able to go to the table in the dinning room, where my father and my husband were seated. When my father looked at me, however, he remarked that I was very pale. That made my husband ask what was the matter, with the result that I began to cry and tell them of the burn. When my husband saw how bad it was, the skin being blistered and broken, he telephoned to a practitioner, and in a very short time our fear was gone and we were both calm and happy again.
Many other blessings have come to me. My home is more harmonious, and each day I have proofs that God is the only power. I am more grateful than I can tell for being able to help others see the truths. I cannot begin to be grateful enough to God for sending us Mrs. Eddy, who has made it possible for us to realize the ever presence of the one Mind. Teaching in the Sunday school has been a great help. It has also been a great privilege to have class instruction, and it has made of me in every way a better woman. I am grateful for all our periodicals and pray that I may grow in wisdom and in understanding of this blessed truth.
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June 7, 1919 issue
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Classification and Limitation
"Seek ye first"
Our Lesson-Sermons
The Right Place
Spiritual Vision
Who Benefits Most?
The Love that Heals
In reply to all the clergyman's contentions as to the...
Willard J. Welch
The Easement of Knowing
William P. McKenzie
The Immutability of Principle
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from C. B. Cavanagh, T. Alex Elphick, Ethel Albee Wilson, Joseph L. Beall, Jonté De Journette, Irene Roberts, Herbert J. Hawkins, C. F. Wieland, Henry J. Holm, Frederick P. Bailey, Lillie Parker Smith, Adelaide E. Garrett, Sumner Kenner, H. D. Yoder, T. E. Cooper, Percy M. Jost
With unbounded love and gratitude to Christian Science...
Clarence Monahan
It is with a spirit of great thanksgiving that I give this...
with contributions from Theodore Edward Glazier
I should like to express my gratitude for all the blessings...
Eveline Lindsay with contributions from Ellen F. Lindsay
Four years ago I knew nothing of Christian Science
Willard G. Brockenbrough
As Christian Science means life, health, and happiness to...
Olive Craig Warren
I want to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Hester Leavenworth Trumbull
With a deep sense of gratitude for the numerous blessings...
Doris H. Jennings
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harold Begbie, Ernest D. Burton