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I should like to express my gratitude for all the blessings...
I should like to express my gratitude for all the blessings that have come into my life through Christian Science. For years I suffered from a throat affection, sometimes being unable to speak above a whisper for weeks together. The condition was gradually becoming worse, and the doctors did not seem able even to give relief. This trouble has been entirely overcome through the study of Christian Science. In the old days sometimes for seven and eight Sundays in succession I would be unable to sing or join in the responses at church. For three years I attended a Christian Science church in London and only once was I unable to join in the service. This was during a time of great trial, in which the temptation to be resentful seemed very great. I used to be continually taking cold, but for the past five years have not known what it means to do so. Sick headache, bowel disorder, painful attacks of rheumatism, and other ailments which made life a misery, have also been overcome. I used to be always taking medicine, but have taken no material remedy since my first reading of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, now over eight years ago. I knew then that I had found the truth and that it was the only remedy for every ill, and it has never failed me when I have been faithful. I am also very grateful for the overcoming of a great sense of lack, as the problem of supply seemed so terrible before I knew of Christian Science that I was ill with anxiety and worry.
My mother also has had many beautiful healings, and we have learned together to rely absolutely on God, divine Love, during the four years of war, in which my only brother has been at sea; so that we have been free from fear and he has been wonderfully protected. I am deeply grateful for the physical healing, but more than all for the better understanding of God, of Christ Jesus, and of the Bible, that Christian Science brings, and for the spiritual uplift that makes the outlook on life so different, so hopeful and pure and free, so helpful to others. Words cannot express my thankfulness to God and the Way-shower, Christ Jesus, and my gratitude to dear Mrs. Eddy for her loving life and courage.
(Miss) Eveline Lindsay, Dartmouth, Devon, England.
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June 7, 1919 issue
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Classification and Limitation
"Seek ye first"
Our Lesson-Sermons
The Right Place
Spiritual Vision
Who Benefits Most?
The Love that Heals
In reply to all the clergyman's contentions as to the...
Willard J. Welch
The Easement of Knowing
William P. McKenzie
The Immutability of Principle
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from C. B. Cavanagh, T. Alex Elphick, Ethel Albee Wilson, Joseph L. Beall, Jonté De Journette, Irene Roberts, Herbert J. Hawkins, C. F. Wieland, Henry J. Holm, Frederick P. Bailey, Lillie Parker Smith, Adelaide E. Garrett, Sumner Kenner, H. D. Yoder, T. E. Cooper, Percy M. Jost
With unbounded love and gratitude to Christian Science...
Clarence Monahan
It is with a spirit of great thanksgiving that I give this...
with contributions from Theodore Edward Glazier
I should like to express my gratitude for all the blessings...
Eveline Lindsay with contributions from Ellen F. Lindsay
Four years ago I knew nothing of Christian Science
Willard G. Brockenbrough
As Christian Science means life, health, and happiness to...
Olive Craig Warren
I want to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Hester Leavenworth Trumbull
With a deep sense of gratitude for the numerous blessings...
Doris H. Jennings
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harold Begbie, Ernest D. Burton