and women everywhere are thrilled and inspired to higher and nobler endeavor by the deeds of bravery and self-sacrifice of others who have left and are leaving "footprints on the sands of time.
are asking to-day: What is the best means of helping our own country and the world at large to attain the victory of a lasting and democratic peace?
these times when human passions, unloosed, obscure to a great extent the motives which have hitherto served to guide human thought, Christian Scientists may well pause to weigh the value, not merely to themselves but to the world, of our Leader's last gift, The Christian Science Monitor.
I Thank
Thee, God, for Thy correcting voice,Which guides me tenderly throughout each day;For, chastened by Thy love, I can rejoiceIn sacrificing self to gain Thy way.
The series of articles against Christian Science which began in the February number of The Diocesan Gazette are discreditable to the author, to the editor, and to whoever shares responsibility for them.
The writer of the serial story appearing in the News, in classifying Christian Science with human will and New Thought, made a mistake which is common to the uninformed.
"Among the first instructions given to our workers are those to the effect that while they are employed by one of the committees of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, they are not to consider it to be among their duties to spread the doctrines of Christian Science, but that they are placed in the camps on the broad basis of service to all, regardless of denomination.
this time when the very foundations whereon error built its citadel are being shaken and its flaunted banners fall and its cruel boastings die away, it is well to remember what is to rule the earth.
Christian Science Board of Directors on behalf of The Mother Church wished to acknowledge gratefully the receipt of original autograph letters written by Mrs.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
About twelve years ago I was discouraged and ready to give up, for I had suffered for twenty-four years with what many doctors, including specialists, pronounced an incurable disease, fistula.
Many, many times has my heart overflowed with loving thankfulness to God for Christian Science, and many have been the healings which have given me the happy courage to press forward to higher understanding of spiritualization of thought as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," our wonderful textbook.
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