average mortal, when called upon to contribute to a charitable undertaking, usually consults his pocketbook or his bank account in order to determine the amount of his contribution, and he gives according to what he has materially.
the student of Christian Science continues to climb the upward path, learning each day a little more of truth, many hindrances seem to come in his way.
attention was arrested recently by these words from the epistle to the Hebrews: "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.
The erroneous view of Christian Science expressed by a doctor in a recent issue of The Bellman, is a quite natural one for a medical practitioner to take.
all religious teaching the need for purification has been given much prominence, even if the appeal did not extend beyond the ceremonial forms which symbolized the spiritual demand for the cleansing of the very springs of our conscious life.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
My early religious training was in the strictest orthodoxy, but it never answered my questions about God, nor did it give me any assurance that I knew what God is.
When I was a very young girl at school I was so busy studying and preparing myself so as to be able to make a living that I decided there was no time to think about God.
About August, 1915, I was advised by one of our best physicians, who had been treating me for several months, that my life might be prolonged a few months if I would go to a dry climate, as my lungs were badly affected, but I could not possibly live very long in the South.
Many weary years were spent in the wilderness until Christian Science came to awaken me from the depths of despair to the understanding of Life, Truth, and Love.
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