[Written for the Sentinel]

Enduring Work

"Blessed is he," the world's wise Master taught,
"Whoe'er shall not offended be in me."
He who reveres what other hands have wrought,
Is truly born of God. Unfettered, free,
Is one who is offended not! Earth's way
Grows brighter for this pilgrim till Truth's day
Of wakefulness is gained. Yea, richly blest
Is his reward in active work. The best
Of God's good gifts are his who knows no scorn,
Nor casts a stone at good which hath been born
Through others' consecration.

"Blessed is he whoe'er shall not offended be in me."
Such was our Master's teaching. E'en this hour
These words reveal the wondrous peace and power
Of loving one another, here and now;
By following this precept even thou
And I may still be blest. Through Christ's dear name,
Revering each man's daily work the same
As ours, we are offended not; and find
The truth which opens eyes that once were blind,
And causes all the deaf to hear. God's ways
Are higher than our ways. To Him be praise
For all the good another one may give,
Without offense, that each man's work may live.

"Blessed is he" whose trust is never torn
Nor crushed by want, disease, nor death, nor sin;
Who knows that God's idea ne'er was born
And never dies, since man now dwells within
Eternal Life. Whose praise ascends to good
For all a brother's hands have wrought to-day.
"Blessed is he,"—whose heart hath understood
All that another one may do or say.
"Blessed is he," the world's wise Master taught,
"Whoe'er shall not offended be in me."
He who reveres what other hands have wrought,
Doth know indeed the truth which makes men free.

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January 12, 1918

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