The bill authorizing the secretary of war to make contracts for the diversion of water from Niagara Falls for fifty-year periods was passed by voice vote in the House of Representatives.
tendency of the human mind is to meddle with affairs which are of little or no importance, and which do not in any way promote moral or intellectual development, to allow non-essentials and petty annoyances to engross attention to the neglect of those things which should inspire mankind and lead to spiritual growth and progress.
Christian Science
lets in the light of divine Mind upon human affairs through correct reasoning based upon divine Principle as underlying all cause and effect, thus bringing out in logical sequence the necessary steps to be taken.
matters not where we choose to locate our thought, as the psalmist discerned so clearly, whether in heaven or in hell, for God, divine Love, infinite good, is ever with us.
dealing with the subject of seeming obstacles to our progress, let us picture to ourselves a mountain stream rippling and singing over its stony bed as, in response to the law of gravitation, it traces its unerring way down to the sea.
While Christian Science teaches the unreality of sin as it teaches the unreality of disease and disaster, it substantiates the correctness of its teaching by the overcoming of both sin and sickness.
Our critic thinks that Christian Science is false and dangerous; but when he attempts to prove his opinion to be true by stating that Christian Science is the foe of the home and of society he asserts that which is not true.
It seems that an evangelist in his revival meetings took occasion to criticize Christian Science, declaring that it "denies God, dishonors Christ, and disbelieves the Bible.
The writer was for some time unable to understand the objection which our critic seems to have to the Christian Science statement that God is All-in-all, especially in view of the fact that the allness of God is recognized as a basic truth of all religious thought.
One night a lecture on Christian Science was delivered in this city before a large and enlightened audience, and the following morning the Call came out with a column excerpt of the lecturer's remarks.
Paul's epistle to the Ephesians we find sound counsel based upon his experiences while a political prisoner in the garrison at Cæsarea and afterward in Rome.
answer to numerous inquiries it may be said that the two funds to which the field have been invited to contribute, described in the article "Looking Forward," which appeared in the Sentinel of Dec.
When the message of Christian Science was first presented to me it was not welcomed, for old beliefs seemed so agreeable that I did not carefully investigate the teachings of Mrs.
When in a condition of mental distress bordering on despair, the evidences of peace and loving-kindness in Christian Scientists whom I knew, caused me to investigate Christian Science.
It is only right for me to acknowledge to the world through the Sentinel the help I have received from the study of Christian Science, and voice my gratitude for it.
At the age of thirteen I was confirmed in a religious denomination against my own wishes, and for nine years looked in vain for a church that worshiped God "in spirit and in truth.
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