In an issue of the Ethical World a critic refers to the...

Ethical World

In an issue of the Ethical World a critic refers to the crudity, one-sidedness, and philosophic illiteracy of Christian Science. With regard to the first claim, it would never have been put forward by any one who had made a sufficient study of the subject to be in a position to prove it by demonstration. With regard to the claim of being one-sided, this could be put forward only on the ground that Mrs. Eddy, having held to her premise that God, good, is infinite, All-in-all, brings out in her conclusion the unreality of evil. On page 10 of "Unity of Good" she writes in this connection, "If therebe any monopoly in my teaching, it lies in this utter reliance upon the one God, to whom belong all things."

In the last claim, of "philosophical illiteracy," the critic is very unhappy in his choice of words. Had he been in the position of countless thousands who have gained sufficient metaphysical understanding, through the earnest study of Mrs. Eddy's works in conjunction with the Bible, to enable him to produce the works of which Christian Science is capable, he would have found himself on the verge of a philosophic discovery which it will take eternity to fathom. It is the Science of absolute truth, and can be gained only through inspiration. It is immortality brought to light. The human or carnal mind cannot grasp or understand it ; hence it is only in the proportion that one has the Mind of Christ, the divine Mind, that it can be discerned and practised.

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September 23, 1916

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