the fourteenth century the great Italian poet Petrarch described the conditions of human existence as they appeared to him, and probably his description truly applies to every age and people of our planet.
Two farmers were discussing crop conditions, and one complainingly said, "I read nearly every book on agriculture that I can lay my hands on, and yet I do not get good crops.
a rod was used as a symbol of spiritual understanding, and its spiritual significance has since grown clearer at each successive step in the line of higher thinking, until in this latter day, the symbol having disappeared before the effulgence of the Christ-idea, the active Christian Scientist is now found turning to that for which the rod stood, just as naturally as the flower turns its face to the sun for refreshing.
carnal mind, focusing its gaze within the contracted boundary of physical sense-testimony, looks through the lens of its own misconceptions and sees as real that which never has existed in Truth.
In the articles entitled "Twentieth Century Religion" and "Guarding the Water Supply," both of which appeared in The Citizen, are some misleading references to Christian Science.
The letter of a correspondent drawing attention to a booklet which contains a "warning against Christian Science," matches the booklet in question for inaccuracy of statement about Christian Science.
The number of patients who have been pronounced incurable by the medical profession, but who are now well as a result of Christian Science treatment, is very large.
Your correspondent seemed to be more interested in sweepingly denying the Scriptural origin of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
A short
time ago, in reporting a meeting of the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Herald quoted from the views expressed by those in attendance as follows:—
had been very near friends in the long ago, and it was most natural that after so revolutionary an experience the heart of the woman was moved to write her one-time spiritual mentor of the new glad day which had dawned for her.
who are becoming interested in Christian Science find it important to gain a correct sense of the words belief, faith, and understanding, and this can be readily done by a careful study of Mrs.
I have been healed by absent treatment of an aggravated form of rheumatism through the faithful work of a Christian Science practitioner, and I feel more grateful than words can express.
About ten years ago, at the time of a severe and prolonged attack of neuralgia in the head, after spending many sleepless nights and enduring much agony, I decided to try Christian Science.
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