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Christian Science is indeed to me a great deliverer
Christian Science is indeed to me a great deliverer. Since the birth of my last child light has been coming to me in almost overwhelming floods. The baby was born with very little pain, but when the child was a week old my strength seemed to leave me entirely and I was seemingly almost overcome with a terrible sense of fatigue. Looking to matter for support, I saw that all its laws were against me, as I was doing my own housework with some help from my husband and his mother. All day I labored to lift these material laws; by night I had not done so, but after reading a part of our weekly Lesson-Sermon the thought came to me strongly that God is my strength, and I decided that on the morrow I would arise and perform my duties regardless of material sense and trust in Him for strength. The next morning, even though I had slept very little through the night, I arose and began my duties, strength coming in all its fulness after the start was made.
As a family we have been wonderfully blessed with this truth since we began the study of Christian Science six years ago. I should have to write a book to tell it all; even then there would be no word great enough to express the allness of Truth. Weak eyes, stomach disorder, back trouble, nervousness, whooping-cough, financial inharmony, and other problems have been overcome by the power of Truth. Twice I have experienced instantaneous healing when the end seemed close at hand. My three children have all been born with the aid of the great Physician only. The blessing that fills my heart with gratitude is the understanding which has come of the spiritual Life, to the extent that it makes me willing to dedicate my whole existence to God.
Mrs. Merritt J. Glass, Tulsa, Okla.
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October 21, 1916 issue
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Reason and Prayer
Love's Radiancy
Hiding Our Brother's Failings
"No more sea"
In a recent communication the continued suggestion is made...
Carl E. Herring
Christian Scientists are glad to have you give a three column...
Thorwald Siegfried
When vituperation and personal abuse in the pulpit supersede...
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Bell
Spiritual Understanding
Significance of the "Cole case"
Archibald McLellan
"Through a glass, darkly"
Annie M. Knott
Taking Off the Tag
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from L. C. Holden, R. D. Coffman, H. S. Scott, Thomas B. Holmes
In 1907 I was induced to try Christian Science for ear...
Ethel Van Vliet Berthelet
Christian Science is indeed to me a great deliverer
Merritt J. Glass
During the greater part of my life I have been subject to...
Susan G. Slifer
After practically all material means had failed, I was...
J. Barton Cheyney
It is about fourteen years since I first heard of Christian Science
Edith Beddoe with contributions from F. D. Beddoe
Before Christian Science came into our family, and during...
Mabel Smith Colley
With a desire to render praise unto whom praise is due I...
Amelie W. Brechtel
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Marion Balcom Smith
I am most deeply grateful for the benefits received through...
Gertrud Reinhard
Words cannot express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Selma Carolyn Bloom with contributions from Emerson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from F. Lewis Donaldson, W. H. Carnegie, Robert Freeman, H. D. A. Major