Figures have been compiled from public documents to prove that the actual cost of war between nations in the nineteenth century amounted in all to forty thousand millions of dollars.
a year announcement is usually made in the branch churches of Christ, Scientist, that persons desiring to unite with the Christian Science church will be given an opportunity to do so at the forthcoming communion service.
in the spiritual light of Christian Science, it is natural and logical for things to take on a much deeper meaning than is generally attached to them, and thus the definition of sin comprehends far more than is meant by the ordinary interpretation of that word.
writer has noticed frequently that those who have received benefits through the understanding of Christian Science are much more willing to relate their experience to a friend than they are to give testimony of the same at the Wednesday evening meetings.
I note in a recent issue the account of a discussion of hypnotism and mesmerism before the Philosophy Club of your city, in the course of which the speaker attempted to explain that the "essential principle of healing is identical in Christian Science, New Thought, and the Emmanuel movement.
Unless I misunderstand the critic whose letter I have read in a recent issue, he has given the most logical reason possible for his friend's having turned to Christian Science.
The Christian Scientist effects the healing of both sin and disease without any dependence upon the "faith" of the patient in his efforts, and most emphatically without the aid of the action of the human mind either upon the mind or the body of the patient.
comes! The world may clamor as it will,And war's wild tumult sound its loud alarms,Till nation after nation hears the shrillInsistent echoing, "To arms! To arms!"He comes! Already that fair morning's charms,When Spirit's mandate bade the darkness flee,Unfold, dispersing every mist that harms,And fear that gendereth dread enmity.
Christian Scientists
who have awakened to the disabling effects of the mesmerism of massed personality, can understand why Christ Jesus should have said to his disciples, "Come ye yourselves apart," and why the good and great have ever been impelled to withdraw from the world at frequent intervals, and find in meditative solitude the poise, inspiration, and strength they may need.
It is two years since I first became interested in Christian Science, and it seems an opportune time publicly to relate some of the many blessings that have come to me and to my family during this time.
In the course of the last four years I have proved to the satisfaction of myself and family that Christian Science heals not only sickness but all forms of unrest.
Words fail me when I endeavor to express my thankfulness to God, and my gratitude to our Leader, for the blessings which Christian Science has brought to me and mine.
I heard
a lonely shepherd wind his hornUpon the stillness of an alpine morn,And heavenly fantasies from rock and dellPoured down in echoes to his humble cell,As though upon some organ strange and fairA seraph played, in the pure upper air.
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