At the invitation of the government, a parliamentary party, which included several members of the ministry, recently journeyed to Loxton, a township on the River Murray in South Australia, where three events which markedly illustrate the rapid development and settlement of the agricultural lands south of the river were celebrated.
to his disciples of the laws which govern the true man, the Master said, "The last shall be first, and the first last;" and reasoning along similar lines, St.
one of the life-saving stations on the Great Lakes the captain asked a new surfman this question: "If, while standing on the pier, your attention should be drawn to a man in the water, apparently drowning, what would be your first duty?
was recently said to the writer by one who was just beginning to investigate Christian Science, "If Christian Scientists would only speak and live, or show that they are trying to live, the pure, simple truths which are found in Science and Health, how quickly the world's prejudice, criticism, and misunderstanding would disappear! The wrong impression I had of its teachings, which prevented me from looking into it, grew out of the misstatement and misrepresentation of these truths by those who were counted as its followers.
Christian Science, as a recent clerical critic has quite truly said, claims to be a restatement of the Christian religion as preached and practised in the first century of that era.
Telegraphic reports quote an officer of B'Nai B'Rith, a Jewish fraternal order, as stating that it is impossible for any person to be a Christian Scientist and remain a Jew.
It would have been difficult for our clerical critic to have selected a more appropriate text than the fifteenth verse of the seventeenth psalm as an introduction to his discussion on the subject of Christian Science.
The one approximately correct statement in the platform attack on Christian Science, as quoted in your issue of March 6, is that "the average Christian Scientist has never dreamed that these awful things were true of his belief.
A good
many people think of home and heaven as places far removed from each other, separated indeed by a stream called death; but Christian Science presents a different view of the subject and finds authority for it in the Scriptures.
If tongue could tell or language depict the inmost experiences of mortal man, surely the written page could at best but feebly express a condition of consciousness which has come to every Christian Scientist.
Before coming into Christian Science I made the remark one day that there could not be a God who would send such suffering as I endured, that there was something wrong somewhere.
A little less than five years ago Christian Science found me a physical wreck, after undergoing a very serious operation on the stomach that I could have avoided if I had only had a ray of this wonderful teaching at the time.
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