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The Lectures
Virgil O. Strickler lectured on Christian Science at the New Theater. He was introduced by John A. Grose, who said in part:—
I think I can safely say that up to about ten or eleven months ago I could boast of as happy a home as there was in Sioux Falls, but then a serious cloud arose on my horizon. I returned home after a business trip to find that on two or three occasions my little family had attended the Christian Science church, and I learned from my wife that she had enjoyed the services very much. Three people whom I questioned about Christian Science gave me answers that made me very anxious, and realizing that I was the captain of that little home ship, I thought it was time for me to go on a tour of investigation; therefore at my first opportunity I attended the Christian Science church. I saw there the daughters, the sisters, the wives, and the mothers of some of the best men in Sioux Falls, and in many cases the men were with them. I attended another service, and I will admit that I have gone every Sunday since, and like it very much. The clouds have rolled away, and we have the same and more peace and love and harmony than we had before; and I feel like saying to all critics of Christian Science, and I say it kindly, that if they will study and investigate its teachings they will cease to criticize. And if you care to drop into that little church you will find a church stripped of all stage setting, a church as close if not closer to God and the Bible than any other church on earth, a church where the woman in gingham and the man in homespun are as welcome as the woman in silk and the man in broadcloth, a church where you will see more bright, happy faces than in any church in the world. But there is one great difference: Christian Scientists believe that when Christ commanded his disciples to go out into the world to preach the gospel and heal the sick, he meant precisely what he said; and there are hundreds of thousands of living witnesses all over this world who claim to have been cured through the teachings of Christian Science of some of the gravest maladies that flesh is heir to.—Correspondence.
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February 7, 1914 issue
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Neither Mystical nor Miraculous
Right Discrimination
Right Consciousness
Redeeming the Human
What is True Sympathy?
Our critic, as a controversialist, wanders, so to speak,...
Frederick Dixon
Nothing but a misapprehension could cause any one to...
John Ashcroft
In a report of the Rev. Mr.—'s second lecture on the...
M. I. Whitcroft
"Give us this day our daily bread"
Martin Luther
Impersonal Correction
Archibald McLellan
Truth's Sufficiency
John B. Willis
Faith versus Fear
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from John A. Grose, C. P. Dorland, Judson Harmon, Judge King Dykeman, N. Luxmoore
As Christian Science is the greatest blessing which has...
Harry Ainsworth Wilkie
I first heard of Christian Science in January, 1906, and...
E. Annie Fish with contributions from William W. Fish
With great joy I give my testimony of healing experienced...
Florence G. Barnard
Some time ago I returned to London from the west coast...
J. G. Macfarlane
I wish to express my love and thankfulness to God, and...
Mary A. Channell
Words cannot express my gratitude to God for what...
Bessie Shannon
I am thankful that I can testify to what God has done for...
Annie G. Stephens
I am exceedingly grateful for Christian Science, which I...
Julia E. Broughton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Thomas Cuming Hall, R. J. Campbell