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I first heard of Christian Science in January, 1906, and...
I first heard of Christian Science in January, 1906, and at that time I was in great distress physically and mentally. Four years previously I had a very serious internal operation, but instead of improving I slowly became worse. I was told later that mortification had set in before the operation was performed, and that poison had got into the system. If I walked a little, the inflammation and pain were much worse. At last the doctor said I must not try to walk, as he was afraid of an abscess forming; but the thing which he "greatly feared" came upon me. Another slight operation had to be performed (this was in December, 1905) shortly before Christmas. The doctor said I might go down for dinner on Christmas day, though I was to keep quite still; but I climbed upon a chair to get something, and fell and hurt my side. I suffered greatly before the doctor came. He said I had broken a rib, and that I had a serious heart trouble. He feared this would be the end, but if I did survive I would ever after have to keep very quiet.
I had always tried to be good as far as I understood, and knew that this suffering was not of God. Like Job, I prayed, "Oh that I knew where I might find him!" and my prayer was heard. A friend learned of my condition and said to her mother, "Shall I tell her about Christian Science?" Her mother reminded her of the golden rule, so she brought me a copy of the Journal. She could not tell me much about Christian Science healing, but said that it was having faith that God would make us whole. I answered that I had no faith in anything but God, for the doctors had tried everything known to materia medica. She then said that Christian Science teaches us how to understand Him, and that was what I needed. Those words seemed to wake me up, and when she had gone I tried to read in the Journal.
I read that God is Love, that He is too pure to behold evil; then the understanding of these words concerning "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" came like a flash of light: "Thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." I began to deny error at once. I knew I had found the truth, and the very room seemed to be full of light! I do not remember any more suffering, the healing having been instantaneous. The one Mind, all-wise, was leading me, and I kept silent. I did not even tell my husband, but blessing and praising God, and denying evil, I realized more freedom every day, and in three weeks the nurse and doctors were out of my home. I have never needed them since. Whenever any phase of error has crept into thought, with its resultant discord, divine Truth has been my physician. The first time I went out after my healing I had the money with me to buy a copy of Science and Health, and the Bible and our text-book have been my daily companions ever since. Meanwhile I try to show my gratitude to God and my thankfulness to our beloved Leader by using every opportunity to point others to Truth.
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February 7, 1914 issue
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Neither Mystical nor Miraculous
Right Discrimination
Right Consciousness
Redeeming the Human
What is True Sympathy?
Our critic, as a controversialist, wanders, so to speak,...
Frederick Dixon
Nothing but a misapprehension could cause any one to...
John Ashcroft
In a report of the Rev. Mr.—'s second lecture on the...
M. I. Whitcroft
"Give us this day our daily bread"
Martin Luther
Impersonal Correction
Archibald McLellan
Truth's Sufficiency
John B. Willis
Faith versus Fear
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from John A. Grose, C. P. Dorland, Judson Harmon, Judge King Dykeman, N. Luxmoore
As Christian Science is the greatest blessing which has...
Harry Ainsworth Wilkie
I first heard of Christian Science in January, 1906, and...
E. Annie Fish with contributions from William W. Fish
With great joy I give my testimony of healing experienced...
Florence G. Barnard
Some time ago I returned to London from the west coast...
J. G. Macfarlane
I wish to express my love and thankfulness to God, and...
Mary A. Channell
Words cannot express my gratitude to God for what...
Bessie Shannon
I am thankful that I can testify to what God has done for...
Annie G. Stephens
I am exceedingly grateful for Christian Science, which I...
Julia E. Broughton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Thomas Cuming Hall, R. J. Campbell