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The fact that our periodicals are not only for the help and healing of the beginner in Christian Science, but for the practitioner as well, was fully proved to me recently. During a busy week, the problems of others seemed to be lifting their voices very insistently, when one morning my eyes fell on the current number of the Sentinel, and the thought came to me strongly that I had not done my duty by this periodical. I took up the copy before me, and as I read, each article covered the demand in respect to some one's problem. With this new sense of the value of the Sentinel there came to me a great glow of spiritual uplift, and I felt the healing in my own thought!
I then marked and sent a copy of this issue to each one to whose problems the articles seemed so applicable, and in each case the response came back that things were much better, or that the problem had been solved. This was to me a clear proof that the beam in one's own mentality must first be cast out before we can cast the mote out of our brother's eye.
When reading the Sentinel and Journal, as they come to him each week and month, a Christian Scientist usually turns first to the editorials, to see what there is of instruction for him there. They are always timely and of great help in their clear perception of the need throughout the field. They make us feel grateful for the wide-awake workers at headquarters, who recognize the call of the hour. It is ours to cooperate with them in the work, and we are able to do this only as each in his own field of labor is watchful and alert in individual effort, gladly responding to the word given. In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 117) Mrs. Eddy says, "Obedience is the offspring of Love; and Love is the Principle of unity, the basis of all right thinking and acting."
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February 7, 1914 issue
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Neither Mystical nor Miraculous
Right Discrimination
Right Consciousness
Redeeming the Human
What is True Sympathy?
Our critic, as a controversialist, wanders, so to speak,...
Frederick Dixon
Nothing but a misapprehension could cause any one to...
John Ashcroft
In a report of the Rev. Mr.—'s second lecture on the...
M. I. Whitcroft
"Give us this day our daily bread"
Martin Luther
Impersonal Correction
Archibald McLellan
Truth's Sufficiency
John B. Willis
Faith versus Fear
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from John A. Grose, C. P. Dorland, Judson Harmon, Judge King Dykeman, N. Luxmoore
As Christian Science is the greatest blessing which has...
Harry Ainsworth Wilkie
I first heard of Christian Science in January, 1906, and...
E. Annie Fish with contributions from William W. Fish
With great joy I give my testimony of healing experienced...
Florence G. Barnard
Some time ago I returned to London from the west coast...
J. G. Macfarlane
I wish to express my love and thankfulness to God, and...
Mary A. Channell
Words cannot express my gratitude to God for what...
Bessie Shannon
I am thankful that I can testify to what God has done for...
Annie G. Stephens
I am exceedingly grateful for Christian Science, which I...
Julia E. Broughton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Thomas Cuming Hall, R. J. Campbell