An article entitled "Suggestion the Subject" in a recent...

Connersville (Ind.) Examiner

An article entitled "Suggestion the Subject" in a recent issue, in which one of your public school officials is reported as saying that Christian Science makes use of mental suggestion, is so liable to mislead your readers that I shall appreciate space to make an explanation.

In Christian Science we learn that God is Mind, and that in reality man is the reflection or expression of Mind, and is governed only by the law of Mind, the same Mind to which St. Paul referred as being in Christ Jesus. The opposite of this is the Adam-dream of many minds, with each mind having power to govern or control the other; it is the belief of mind in matter, and that man reflects both good and evil, and that evil is as real and powerful as good. Mental suggestion, therefore, which is the belief of one mortal mind controlling another, is the direct opposite of Christian Science.

All through the writings of Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, she points out that the attempt to practise mental suggestion will destroy one's power to heal through the law of God, and she regarded the correct understanding of this so important that, in the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," she has given it a chapter entitled Animal Magnetism Unmasked. There is no desire to question the right of our brother or any other person to hold such views on this subject as he thinks best, but the facts about Christian Science were so incorrectly stated that it is necessary to inform your readers that Christian Science teaches it is a sin to try to influence another through mental suggestion, for either good or evil; that, in truth, man is subject only to the law of God, and there is nothing in His law but good.

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November 14, 1914

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