the popular acceptation, the meaning of the word "time" is a sense of transition due to the rotation of the earth on its axis and to its revolution around the sun.
our youth upward our religious teachers have sought to impress upon us the vanity, the unsatisfying nature of all earthly things; but the unreality of these things had not yet dawned on human consciousness, and the pious words seemed to the listeners little else than a figure of speech.
was once decided to build a union terminal station for all the railroads in a certain city, and a site was selected which from the view-point of convenience was entirely suitable, but which in other ways presented so many natural obstacles to the enterprise that the reclaiming of it seemed, to the ordinary looker-on, a tremendous undertaking.
The Presbyterian Messenger, which brooks no contradiction in its columns to what is from time to time set before its readers as a representation of Christian Science, says that it "is to be abhorred, resting as it does on gross error.
In answer to an editorial in a recent issue, I would like to say that The Christian Science Monitor is not in politics, and does not advocate the views of any political party.
Referring to the communication of your correspondent "F," as printed in a recent issue, it appears that he has concluded to stand with your other correspondent, "Y," "against Christian Science.
In a recent issue a visiting evangelist is quoted in opposition to the teaching of Christian Science concerning the unreality of sin, disease, and hell.
Love, though far we stray,Uncomforted and sad, from thy clear way,Thou followest to soothe who are in pain,And make them whole, and lead them home again.
be to God, and peace to the struggling hearts! Christ hath rolled away the stone from the door of human hope and faith, and through the revelation and demonstration of life in God, hath elevated them to possible at-one-ment with the spiritual idea of man and his divine Principle, Love.
the unnumbered brief, thought-awakening sentences penned by the author of Science and Health, none is more pertinently related to present human conditions than her declaration in the Preface that "the time for thinkers has come".
people become interested in Christian Science, they begin to study the Scriptures with greater care, but in most cases the bias of early religious teaching clings to the inquirer, until he advances sufficiently to apply truth to the varied problems of human experience.
With the hope of benefiting others I wish gratefully to acknowledge my healing, through the efficacy of Christian Science, of organic stomach disorder, catarrh of the bowels, uterine hemorrhages, and other troubles.
I have received so much help from reading the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal, that I feel it not only a duty but a privilege to tell what Christian Science has done for me.
I want to give my testimony of healing through Christian Science, in the hope that it may benefit some one who has the same great need of help that I had.
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