The bill providing for the incorporation of stock exchanges, and placing them under the supervision of the banking department, was passed in the New York Assembly, after a long debate, by a vote of 85 to 34.
in Genesis the story of the fall of Adam and Eve and their subsequent expulsion from the garden of Eden, one is apt to think how foolish they were, and to say, "I am sure I should have known better than to partake of that fruit;" and yet, are we not one and all partaking of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil continually?
is not surprising that many of those who are moved to the acceptance of the gospel of Christian Science by some personal experience of physical healing or by some deliverance from a besetting sin against which they have hitherto striven in vain, should at first fail to realize the full import of such acceptance; and the more strikingly dramatic in its suddenness and completeness has been their deliverance from bondage, the more likely is this failure to manifest itself.
our Wednesday meeting in a small place in the province of Saskatchewan, we do not have large gatherings, our society having been but recently organized, and while engaged recently in the very necessary preparatory work for this evening meeting, I felt for a moment that I had no great demonstration of healing to give, and consequently nothing to say.
The statement of a contributor to the effect that the discovery recently claimed by Sir William Ramsay, that matter was the creation of energy, supported the teaching of Mrs.
By the special act of the Massachusetts Legislature approved by Governor Foss, the famous Eddy will case has been ended in the complete carrying out of the terms of Mrs.
It is with no desire to start a religious controversy with our brother that I reply to an evangelist's statements in regard to the teachings of Christian Science.
editorial writer in the Chicago Inter Ocean, in commenting upon the efforts of organized physicians to secure legislation which will bar from the work of healing the sick all systems other than the one which they practise, says: "There is one fact that the advocates of statutory compulsion to what they regard as the only medical orthodoxy, would do well to remember.
events recall vividly the Scriptural account of Elijah's struggle with the entrenched beliefs of an idolatrous people, and his further struggle with the so-called destructive forces of nature, when he sought refuge from the wrath of Jezebel in a cave on mount Horeb.
student of historic Christianity must come to see the very great difference between the individualism of Christ Jesus and the individualism of the Protestant movement inaugurated by Huss and Savonarola and put into organic form by Luther and his associates.
with contributions from Charles A. Hallock, William Green Male, C. E. Millspaugh, Thomas N. Johnson, Edward W. Dickey, Jess E. Stephens
An exposition of the teachings of Christian Science attracted a crowded gathering at Montgomery hall, where Bliss Knapp held the close attention of his audience for well over an hour.
When I but dimly realized the great Principle of Christian Science, its glorious truth was brought home forcibly to me by a somewhat serious accident which happened to me a few weeks after I had started seriously to study Mrs.
A sense of deep gratitude is the motive that prompts me to tell of the blessings which I have received through Christian Science and through the revelation of divine Love.
Until I found release from the burden of sorrow through my healing in Christian Science, I could not realize the truth of these words of our Saviour: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
I have so many things to be grateful for in Christian Science that it would be difficult to enumerate them all, but I would like to relate a few of the demonstrations that have been made in our family.
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