Real progress has primarily to do with the spiritual development...

Los Angeles (Cal.) Tribune

Real progress has primarily to do with the spiritual development of man and not with the improvements of material objects designed for his use. The contrary belief oftentimes mesmerizes men, and possessions frequently enslave Frankensteins who turn upon their creators. The man of Galilee saw this danger and gave warning in the words, "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth," and then he adds, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Since the Master came that "they might have life," the acquiring of this life constitutes the only true progress.

A tree may always be judged by its fruits, and when the question is asked of brick, mortar, and iron, "Have you added to man's spirituality, unselfishness, and morality?" the answer instantly comes, "No, we have not; on the contrary, we have usually increased worldliness, pomp, and pride." Not the piling up of matter constitutes progress, but the development of enduring character; the approximation of the human with the divine, and an enlarged sense of the brotherhood of man.

Real progress is manifested in every effort to be Christlike; in every effort to have God's will done on earth. These efforts will aid in establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth, a kingdom of much more importance than a kingdom of steel and concrete. Let mortals realize that "the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof," and let them through the spirit of Christ recognize the equal rights of all the sons of God to live and enjoy life. Let all strive to do unto others as they would be done by. This is real progress, none other has right to the name. By this it is not meant to decry or belittle the wonderful invention, advancement, and improvement manifest everywhere in material affairs, but to point out the danger of confusing these with true spiritual progress, without which the former will come to naught, as did the glory of Rome.

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August 10, 1912

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