Springfield, Mass. —Following the recommendation of First Church of Christ, Scientist, a Christian Science society was organized Aug. 13, to hold Sunday services and Wednesday evening testimonial meetings in Touraine hall at 182 State street, in order to accommodate the steady increase in attendance at Christian Science church services. The first plan considered was to secure an auditorium large enough to accommodate all who attended these services as one congregation, but a suitable hall for such an arrangement could not at this time be obtained, thereby making the formation of the society a necessity. It is expected that the majority of the Scientists will continue to attend First Church, at the corner of State and Orleans streets, and that the growth of the society will be commensurate with the overflow of First Church. It is also the intent of the two organizations to cooperate in all important matters pertaining to the work of the Christian Science cause in its general phases, and to join in raising a building fund for the erection of a new First Church edifice that will in all probability accommodate the two congregations.

Springfield Homestead.

Kalamazoo, Mich.—One of the most inviting attractions, if it may be called an attraction, at the "big fair" is the booth of The Christian Science Monitor, where hundreds of copies of the paper are given away each day. The Monitor, by the way, is a daily paper published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, and is considered one of the best, cleanest, and newsiest daily papers in the country.—Kalamazoo Gazette.

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October 26, 1912

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