Christian Science means more to me than a healing...

Christian Science means more to me than a healing agency; it brings a peace of mind, a happiness that I will not attempt to describe, and a true understanding of God and man's relation to Him. Through Christian Science treatment I was healed ten years ago of serious lung trouble, and have enjoyed almost perfect health since that time. In late years, through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, in connection with the Bible, I have been able to keep myself almost entirely free from the little ills that present themselves to mortals. I am striving to love my neighbor as myself, knowing that by so doing I can best express my gratitude to God and to Mrs. Eddy.

Mrs. Cora Rosebrook, Omaha, Neb.

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Testimony of Healing
That "divine Love always has met and always...
January 23, 1909

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