The Navy Department is arranging to establish coastwise stations of wireless telegraphy in the Philippines, similar to the chain of stations reaching from Portland, Me.
with contributions from M. E. Winslow, Caroline W. Frame, Annie Louise Robertson, Annie M. Knott, Adam H. Dickey, Ellen Neale
following letters are expressive of the great interest felt by Christian Scientists in the improvement of the streets of Concord, as suggested by Mrs.
are probably few readers of the Bible who have not paused, on reading the incident of Jesus and the sinful woman, to wonder as to what he wrote on the ground in reply to her accusers.
Christian Scientists
are sometimes charged with inconsistency in citing cases of healing to prove the validity of their position; since, it is alleged, evidence of this description must be obtained by consulting the physical sense, whose reliability the teaching of Christian Science denies.
To those who have for years depended upon an appeal to material remedies for relief the thought seems reasonable that the body should be doctored if it is sick.
Those who have made application for membership in The Mother Church previous to June, 1906, and have not received notice of election, may send inquiries to the Clerk, William B.
In noticing the progress of creeds and parties it will be observed that some have sprung into existence "in a night," while others have taken years to obtain a foothold.
Will you kindly make mention of the fact that William Jefferson, of this city, who is charged with obtaining money under false pretenses and with representing himself as a "divine healer," is in no way affiliated with Christian Science.
The picture of The Mother Church and its Extension which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
are frequently asked to explain through the Sentinel one or more of the By-laws of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, also to decide whether or no such conduct upon the part of some person is an infraction of these By-laws, and while the answering of these questions is not within our province, it may be that we can point our readers to certain things in connection with the By-laws which will be of value to us all.
the kind of mental bondage, and whatever the degree of attaching thereto, "Freedom through Faith" is an inspiring watchword for every Christian Scientist; and if earnest and worthy, his progress toward its all-inclusive realization will be continuous.
with contributions from W. A. Reed, Eleanor De Giranta, Lillian Young Charters, Mabelle A. Strock, Franklin Blake, Susan E. Barr, Geo. M. Wade, Harvey C. Plum, Gussie Howard Wilson
About seven years-ago Christian Science was brought to my attention through the healing of a very dear friend, and having enough faith in God to believe that He is no respecter of persons, that if He would heal another He would heal me of my infirmity.
From childhood the thought of lung trouble was held over me, it having been prevalent in my family and my earliest remembrance being of colds, coughts, etc.
Christian Science has brought so many blessings to our home that I consider it my duty to tell others of sow of the satisfying proofs we have had of Truth's power.
This testimony is given in the hope that it may reach some of the many whom I know are in the same condition that I was,—a condition brought about by idleness and unconscious selfishness.
In reading the many helpful testimonials in the Sentinel, the thought came to me that if it were not for an earnest desire to help a brother we would not have the privilege of knowing the great good which others are receiving.
From early childhood I was a constant sufferer from what several eminent physicians pronounced an abnormal growth, none giving any hope of a permanent cure.
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with contributions from W. A. Reed, Eleanor De Giranta, Lillian Young Charters, Mabelle A. Strock, Franklin Blake, Susan E. Barr, Geo. M. Wade, Harvey C. Plum, Gussie Howard Wilson