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When Christian Science was first brought to my notice,...
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice, I was indeed in bondage. Now, in the light of Truth, I am amazed at the patience and resignation with which I bore my troubles. Suffering as I was from three serious physical ailments, as well as several minor ones, I wonder that my dull and sleeping senses were not sooner awakened, but the divine remedy came at last through Christian Science, bringing the health and harmony for which I had long been searching.
This opened my eyes, and I saw that my blinded sense had accepted the verdict that it was only a matter of time when I would lose the sight of both eyes. The next most formidable trouble was with a weak heart, on account of which I was afraid to go out anywhere alone. The third difficulty was a troublesome and painful knee, also pronounced incurable. These and many other ailments have been overcome so thoroughly that when questioned recently as to the efficacy of Christian Science in the healing of blindness, I had quite forgotten at the time my own former serious condition of the eyes.
Words are insufficient to express my sense of gratitude for Christian Science, for its Founder, Mrs. Eddy, neither can I express in few words all that Christian Science is and has been to me, as for a period of several years it has never failed me when faithfully applied. I am understanding and appreciating more and more what Mrs. Eddy has done and is doing for humanity, and am most grateful for the privilege of having demonstrated this healing, life-giving truth for myself and others, over and over again.
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August 11, 1906 issue
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Did Jesus Teach a Practical Religion?
Life the Way
Essentials and Non-essentials
"A grain of mustard seed"
The Swallows' Lesson.
Resignation of a Pastor
W. L. Swan
The teaching that evil can be performed through erroneous...
David B. Ogden
Mrs. Eddy's Request Granted
Irving C. Tomlinson
A Plea for Fair Play
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Violet Ker Seymer, Clarissa Mary Allard, Khoo Sing Hock, Clara Sawyer, Helen S. B. Ross
Six months ago the words Christian Science conveyed...
Winifred M. Playfair
There are no words that can express my gratitude to...
Sarah Lydia Norris
For a long time I have desired to express a little of the...
Osta C. Brooks
From the time I was thirteen until shortly after my...
Orlena A. Kirk
I have seen so much good done to myself and others by...
Eleanor C. Hatch
I first heard of Christian Science about nineteen years...
G. M. D. Heard
I have received so many benefits through Christian Science...
William W. Macfarlane
When my attention was called to Christian Science...
Charles Lahmann