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A Contrast of Forty Years
[The following letter, received by Mrs. Eddy from an old friend and student, is of great interest at this time, because it contrasts so vividly the pioneer days of our Leader's work for the Cause which she was then inaugurating with these later days of her achievement. The faith and devotion with which Mrs. Eddy labored in those early days have marked the forty years of her ministry, bringing health and happiness to a constantly growing army of Christian followers.—Editor.]
Cambridge, Mass., June 12, 1906.
Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy.
My Dear Teacher:—Of the many thousands who attended the dedicatory services at the Christian Science church last Sunday it is doubtful if there was one so deeply impressed with the grandeur and magnitude of your work as was the writer, whom you will recall as a member of your first class in Lynn, Mass., nearly forty years ago. When you told us that the truth you expounded was the little leaven that should leaven the whole lump, we thought this might be true in some far distant day beyond our mortal vision. It was above conception that in less than forty years a new system of faith and worship, as well as of healing, should number its adherents by the hundreds of thousands and its tenets be accepted wholly or in part by nearly every religious and scientific body in the civilized world.
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June 23, 1906 issue
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The Annual Meeting
William B. Johnson, William P. McKenzie, Willis F. Gross
San Francisco, Cal.
Thomas H. Lord
A Contrast of Forty Years
S. P. Bancroft
The Appeal of a Great Occasion
Annie M. Knott
"Blest be the tie that binds"
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from H. Elizabeth Roberts, Victoria Murray, Robert E. Carey, Mary Tomlinson, S. Dunn, Achsah D. Osborn, R. F. Dockery, May D. Dockery, Violet J. Carpenter, Benj. H. Norton, Lucy E. Mann, William M. Goodwin
The Lectures
with contributions from Jacob S. Shield, Homer Cook, J. V. Parker, Mayor Randall
A Sermon
R. F. Horton
For eighteen long, weary years I suffered with what the...
Mary J. McClintick
Our eldest daughter was taken sick and our family doctor...
W. George Dunlop
I desire to make a public acknowledgment of the benefits...
George W. Maxfield
I have received much help, both spiritually and physically,...
Malinda K. Overman
Twice (with the hope of afterwards taking the regular...
Helen Robinson
From our Exchanges
with contributions from S. E. Keeble