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In reading the article entitled Christian Science: Its...
In reading the article entitled Christian Science: Its Compassionate Appeal," in the April, 1905, Journal, I was forcibly reminded of an experience of fifteen years ago.
I had long been a hopeless sufferer. In looking back over weeks, months, and years of suffering I could not see that I was getting better, but rather getting worse. One day, when all seemed dark and the future held out no promise of relief, this thought came to me with startling force: "If this is not hell, what is?" I had always supposed hell to be a place beyond the grave, and it had been my thought to live so as to escape it, but I now began to realize I was in it. Soon after this I was examined by a prominent surgeon and was promised relief by undergoing two surgical operations. I was declared to be the victim of organic diseases and nervous prostration. I had submitted to one operation two years before this, at which time the same hope had been held out, but I never could see that it had given me any help; so we were very undecided, not knowing what to do.
While waiting. Christian Science was presented to me in such a way that I discarded all medicine and surgery, and decided to take treatment at once. In less than three weeks I purchased a copy of Science and Health. It opened up a new life to me and I never could express in words the joy and hope it brought into my home. I was soon able to make little demonstrations for myself and children. Slowly I came into an understanding of this great truth, and it was while treating a friend that I was able to rise above error sufficiently to sit up all day and take up my work where I had left off years before. I have passed through deep waters and over hard places, but Truth has ever upheld and sustained me.
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February 3, 1906 issue
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Present Opportunities
Working for the Cause
The Presence of Mind
Our Debt to Christian Science
Frank N. Riale
Biologists are in a state of mental chaos, and all other...
Edgar L. Larkin
The Lectures
with contributions from W.J. Turner, Wilfred G. G. Cole, Frank Hessenberg
Anonymous Letters
Lewis C. Strang
Another Prosecution Fails
Archibald McLellan
An Open Door
John B. Willis
Letters to Our Leader
with contributions from Etta M. McClain, Isabella M. Stewart, M. Belle Brady, Jessica W. Pierson
Although for several years I have been trying to incorporate...
Robert O. Campbell
For more than twenty years I was an invalid
Maggie A. Richards with contributions from Helen K. Mills
It has been over three years since I was healed in Christian Science
Virginia A. Shayne
During our Sunday morning service, a short time ago,...
Sarah G. Phillips
To Christian Science I owe my all, for had it not been...
P. H. Rosebrook
The latter part of May, 1904, my mouth began to get...
J. C. Meriwether with contributions from Della Z. Sweeting
Words cannot possibly express the joy and comfort that...
Minnie B. McNulty
It is with gratitude that I let others know what Christian Science...
Julia P. Alexander
Our Father
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Theodore Irving Reese, C. A. S. Dwight, J. R. Miller
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase