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It is argued that Christian Scientists should take a course...
Lexington (Ky.) Herald
It is argued that Christian Scientists should take a course in medicine before they shall be permitted to charge for treating the sick; that they should "possess a reasonable knowledge of the various diseases of the body and their most approved treatment." Permit me, therefore, to call attention to the fact that a part of the duties of a Christian minister, for which he is paid a salary, is to pray for the healing of sick people. Suppose his prayers should be answered and the sick should be healed, would you think his salary should be curtailed because the sick were healed? If it is right to charge for a gospel that does not heal, is it wrong to charge for a gospel that does heal? Would men regard as just a law which, while professing not to interfere with their religion, prohibited Christian ministers from receiving any pay for their services? Christian Scientists do not charge for healing, because they know better than any one that they do not do the healing; but if they give all their time to this work, like the minister they must receive in return enough to pay their living expenses.
Is it important that a minister should take a course in medicine, should possess some special knowledge of a disease and its most approved material remedies, in order to pray intelligently for its healing? Of course not, and why? Because God does not make such knowledge a condition to an answer to prayer; and He does not need that any man should tell Him either the nature of the disease or its remedy. If a medical education is not necessary to a minister in order that his prayer may be answered, why is it necessary in order that the prayer of a Christian Scientist may be answered? Christian Scientists and other Christians pray to the same God, and a Christian Scientist knows that the healing is the answer of God to his prayer. He knows full well that the healing does not depend on his knowledge of medicine and disease, "but in the answer of a good conscience toward God." It is an understanding faith, and not an understanding of disease, that heals the sick.
Judge L. H. Jones.
Lexington (Ky.) Herald.
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September 2, 1905 issue
View Issue-
Getting Along with Others
The Little Cup
A. M. P.
"Ye shall know the truth."
"Instant in prayer."
Misstatements Corrected
H. Cornell Wilson
Among the Churches
with contributions from Thos. H. Lord, Alfa Hatch, Martha J. Vogell
Practise the Golden Rule
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy
New Evidence in Old Case
John C. Lathrop
Impossible Conditions
Alfred Farlow
Comment on a Recent Decision
Archibald McLellan
The Father's House
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Geo. Shaw Cook, Gertrude Beasley Morris, Helen L. Swasey, Nemi Robertson, Clara M. Behrendt
In obedience to the command of Jesus, who said, "Freely...
Harry B. Kline
About nine years ago I began to study Christian Science
S. M. Ridinger
Soon after my marriage, twenty-six years ago, I had a...
Eliza R. Marshall
It would cover many pages were I to try to enumerate...
Henry B. Wagenschieffer
I wish to add my mite, and speak of some of the benefits I...
Irving Hartford
I wish to express my gratitude to God for this blessed...
Marie Household
I feel that I cannot better express my gratitude than to...
Charlotte H. Mitchell
I wish to tell of my healing through Christian Science
M. H. Butcher
The Way
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase