The people of Dawson are reported to have organized, with a membership of two hundred, the International Society for Polar Research and Experiment, whose ultimate object is to launch an expedition for the North Pole.
is easy to live in peace and love with those who are severe in their judgment of themselves and charitable in their judgment of others; who are quick to see, to condemn, and to forsake their own errors, and equally quick to recognize and rejoice in the virtues of others.
always especially grateful for the proofs of the efficacy of Christian Science which are given in cases of sudden hurts, such as sprains or burns.
Editor Public Opinion:—In an article entitled "Wealth of New Religious," published in the July 29 issue of your weekly, Louis Paul Kirby writes of his impressions concerning this particular phase of several religious bodies, and among them he has included the Christian Scientists.
It is argued that Christian Scientists should take a course in medicine before they shall be permitted to charge for treating the sick; that they should "possess a reasonable knowledge of the various diseases of the body and their most approved treatment.
The Christian Science teachings from first to last abound in exhortations to be pure, to be honest,—not alone to be honest in business and with our fellow-men, but to be honest with ourselves.
with contributions from Thos. H. Lord, Alfa Hatch, Martha J. Vogell
First Church of Christ, Scientist, begs to submit the following statement regarding the Reading Room work for the year ending June 30, 1905: Visitors to Reading Room, 6,919; total sales of literature for year, $7,977,90; copies of Science and Health sold, 1,214; sales of literature for July, 1905, $1,066.
times of doubt or of sorrow the struggling human sense must needs rely upon the anchor of faith which keeps thought from drifting astray till the storm is past.
In obedience to the command of Jesus, who said, "Freely ye have received, freely give," I gladly testify to the healing and saving power of Christian Science.
Soon after my marriage, twenty-six years ago, I had a severe spell of illness which left me in a very delicate state, and I never knew what it was to be really well and strong.
It would cover many pages were I to try to enumerate all the proofs of the power of Truth that I have had since I joined the Christian Science Society of Georgetown, now a church with steadily increasing membership.
I feel that I cannot better express my gratitude than to testify to God's many mercies vouchsafed to me in the overcoming of various ills which seemed very grievous to bear.
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