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I wish to add my mite, and speak of some of the benefits I...
I wish to add my mite, and speak of some of the benefits I have received from Christian Science. A few years ago I was taken very sick, and lingered along for weeks, apparently growing worse as the days went by. There was a general breaking-down, with various complications, and it seemed to me that there was no help for me anywhere. I knew then of the healing efficacy of Truth, but I was loth to turn to God for help. At the last moment, however, I turned wearily to Christian Science. My healing was slow, it seemed to me, but there was certainly a thorough eradication of my many ills, and to God belongs all the praise. Not only was I healed from disease, but from many sins and bad habits, including the use of tobacco.
Previous to my conversion to the truth, it seemed impossible for me to have any geninue success. I was out of work a good share of the time, and when employed did not get on with my business associates. All this is now changed; for three years I have had an abundance of good things,—steady employment, excellent health, a cheerful disposition, "with malice towards none, with charity for all." I am still climbing upward, slowly but surely. My work, from a material standpoint, is very hard,—tugging and lifting, hour after hour,—but with no bad effects; and Christian Science has done it all.
Some years ago the doctors told me I never would be able to do any hard work, but since I have been healed in Christian Science I can do the very hardest work. I am out in all kinds of weather, working some days from ten to fifteen hours, and am strong and healthy where once I was weak and full of fear. The little understanding of the truth which I have, I would not exchange for money or fame.
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September 2, 1905 issue
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Getting Along with Others
The Little Cup
A. M. P.
"Ye shall know the truth."
"Instant in prayer."
Misstatements Corrected
H. Cornell Wilson
Among the Churches
with contributions from Thos. H. Lord, Alfa Hatch, Martha J. Vogell
Practise the Golden Rule
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy
New Evidence in Old Case
John C. Lathrop
Impossible Conditions
Alfred Farlow
Comment on a Recent Decision
Archibald McLellan
The Father's House
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Geo. Shaw Cook, Gertrude Beasley Morris, Helen L. Swasey, Nemi Robertson, Clara M. Behrendt
In obedience to the command of Jesus, who said, "Freely...
Harry B. Kline
About nine years ago I began to study Christian Science
S. M. Ridinger
Soon after my marriage, twenty-six years ago, I had a...
Eliza R. Marshall
It would cover many pages were I to try to enumerate...
Henry B. Wagenschieffer
I wish to add my mite, and speak of some of the benefits I...
Irving Hartford
I wish to express my gratitude to God for this blessed...
Marie Household
I feel that I cannot better express my gratitude than to...
Charlotte H. Mitchell
I wish to tell of my healing through Christian Science
M. H. Butcher
The Way
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase