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"Instant in prayer."
I AM always especially grateful for the proofs of the efficacy of Christian Science which are given in cases of sudden hurts, such as sprains or burns. Fifteen years ago, when I had just seen that Christian Science is the truth, I had the first of these experiences. A cup of sizzling oil had been poured over one of my hands. I ran to a dark clothes press and shut the door, since the agony was so great that I felt unable to resist looking at the hand, and I realized that it would frighten me. After a few minutes of right thinking in Christian Science, I came out of the dark, and in less than a half hour the hand was as normal, both as regards sensation and appearance, as it had been before the accident. Similar experiences have occurred in the intervening years, and I was reminded this morning of the change in my thought which enabled me to stand fearlessly looking at a severe burn while it disappeared before the statements of truth. I had carelessly grasped a red-hot handle, and my hand was instantly seared across the palm and fingers, As I looked at the wide red scar, the skin began to rise in blisters, but I did not take my eyes from the hand until all marks of the burn had gone, which was perhaps ten minutes after. The pain lasted some moments longer, but that also was gone within twenty minutes.
I am grateful for the growth out of fear which enabled me to work with a better understanding of the allness of God, good, and in the face of seeming evil to look the lie of hurt and pain out of countenance while it disappeared. We are told in the old fables, notably in the familiar story of Faust, that the devil cannot stand in the presence of an uplifted cross, and so disturbing is this symbol to his comfort that he shrinks from sight whenever it appears. I have always felt that this typified a great truth, and the suddenness of the evil one's disappearance delighted me.
In Christian Science we prove the powerlessness of evil when in temptation we uplift the thought of the Christ. In accidents of any sort we have proof of this, for in these cases one must choose his help quickly and without reserve. When we realize that Truth is instant and unhesitating in helping us, we shall be instant and unhesitating in our reliance upon Truth. The temptation to postpone our demonstration until to-morrow does not enter with an accident, but with colds, fevers, and the hundred claims of evil which beset mortals, we are too prone to say to ourselves that if we are not better by to-morrow we will then do some Christian Science work to destroy the discord. We shall find that all pains and ills disappear as rapidly as the effects of an accident, when their first appearance is met instantly by the understanding that they have no right to take one minute from our harmonious and useful lives.
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September 2, 1905 issue
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Getting Along with Others
The Little Cup
A. M. P.
"Ye shall know the truth."
"Instant in prayer."
Misstatements Corrected
H. Cornell Wilson
Among the Churches
with contributions from Thos. H. Lord, Alfa Hatch, Martha J. Vogell
Practise the Golden Rule
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy
New Evidence in Old Case
John C. Lathrop
Impossible Conditions
Alfred Farlow
Comment on a Recent Decision
Archibald McLellan
The Father's House
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Geo. Shaw Cook, Gertrude Beasley Morris, Helen L. Swasey, Nemi Robertson, Clara M. Behrendt
In obedience to the command of Jesus, who said, "Freely...
Harry B. Kline
About nine years ago I began to study Christian Science
S. M. Ridinger
Soon after my marriage, twenty-six years ago, I had a...
Eliza R. Marshall
It would cover many pages were I to try to enumerate...
Henry B. Wagenschieffer
I wish to add my mite, and speak of some of the benefits I...
Irving Hartford
I wish to express my gratitude to God for this blessed...
Marie Household
I feel that I cannot better express my gratitude than to...
Charlotte H. Mitchell
I wish to tell of my healing through Christian Science
M. H. Butcher
The Way
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase