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True Gratitude
To-day , while striving to prove ingratitude unreal, the solemn question, "Are we really grateful for the good already received?" (Science and Health, p. 3), voiced itself to my awakening consciousness as never before. And then I pondered the question, searching my own heart, only to find many ways in which I might have manifested the deep gratitude I feel for what Christian Science has brought to me. For many years I have tested it, and proved it to be the Comforter, which is leading into all truth. I have proved it, in my individual consciousness, to be the healer of sin and disease; and with the understanding which comes through one's own purification, I have utilized this unerring Principle in the endeavor to aid others, who have sought the help, and have seen error, in all its phases, dissolve into nothingness.
There is no gratitude so sincere as that manifested in a life consecrated to God, the false sense of which is hourly laid down, in the destruction of human selfhood, whereby the life "hid with Christ in God" appears.
Paul says, "Owe no man anything, but to love one another." Our debt to mankind will never be paid until we love; and to love is to reflect in thought, word, and deed, that divine Love which is manifested in obedience to spiritual law,—the law that is fulfilled in having but one God and loving one's neighbor as oneself. Not until the perfect man appears, has the individual paid "the uttermost farthing" and cancelled his debt to God and his brother-man.
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May 7, 1904 issue
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The Tree and its Fruit
True Gratitude
Living the Truth
C. C. M.
Christian Science and the Church
Alfred Farlow
Conversation about Disease
H. Coulson Fairchild
It has been well said that "sometimes a man is a physician...
Wm. H. Jennings
Christian Scientists are aware that their methods seem...
Charles D. Reynolds
The Lectures
with contributions from J. H. Jones, Frank Meek, William Broad, George P. Tawney
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Victoria Murray, Florence Coutts Fowlie, Beatrice Southern, Emily Wright, W. F. W. Wilding, Joseph Daniels, Wm. Royle, Gertrude Smith, Frances Thurber Seal, Albert E. Miller
The sense of love and joy that came to me as I caught the...
Margaret T. Calkins
I am very thankful for my knowledge of Christian Science...
Edwin Marquand
Twelve years ago I was obliged to undergo five surgical...
Charles A. Ryder
Christian Science healed me after everything else had...
Elizabeth T. Bell
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase