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Doubt and Demonstration
In giving his reasons for retiring from the ministry, after what would be called a successful pastorate of many years, a clergyman has recently declared that while his desire to serve the people steadily grew stronger, his confidence in the conventional methods used to help them, as steadily waned. He says,—
"In the beginning of my ministry the method was plain, the desire only moderately strong; now the desire is so strong as to be overwhelming, but the method is less clear, and I confess that, at times, I have no theory as to what it is at all. There has been an ever-increasing obscurity of conception regarding the task before me. It is perpetually shaping itself differently to different men. Once the evangelistic method claimed attention; then great missionary enterprises; then came the study of sociology, and then the doing of institutional church work. To what does all this lead? It is at this point that my doubt takes its deepest plunge."
Such a confession makes it clear that this brother's retirement was wise and altogether creditable to him, for he who is in a state of uncertainty as to the practical value of his Christian endeavor can but lose heart, and especially if sincerity is a marked element in his character. The fulfilment of conventional requirements will constantly place such an one in what seems to him a false position, and the end must inevitably be self-contempt and rebellion.
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May 7, 1904 issue
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The Tree and its Fruit
True Gratitude
Living the Truth
C. C. M.
Christian Science and the Church
Alfred Farlow
Conversation about Disease
H. Coulson Fairchild
It has been well said that "sometimes a man is a physician...
Wm. H. Jennings
Christian Scientists are aware that their methods seem...
Charles D. Reynolds
The Lectures
with contributions from J. H. Jones, Frank Meek, William Broad, George P. Tawney
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Victoria Murray, Florence Coutts Fowlie, Beatrice Southern, Emily Wright, W. F. W. Wilding, Joseph Daniels, Wm. Royle, Gertrude Smith, Frances Thurber Seal, Albert E. Miller
The sense of love and joy that came to me as I caught the...
Margaret T. Calkins
I am very thankful for my knowledge of Christian Science...
Edwin Marquand
Twelve years ago I was obliged to undergo five surgical...
Charles A. Ryder
Christian Science healed me after everything else had...
Elizabeth T. Bell
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase