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I want to give my mite to the world that others may...
I want to give my mite to the world that others may know of the blessings which Christian Science will bring to them.
Two or three years ago, on coming home from a visit in the East, I was taken with chills and fever, a type of malaria which is prevalent in this part of our country. I had been interested in Christian Science for some time and had had treatment. After having a chill I would get up feeling very well, but on the third day I would have another chill. This continued for about two weeks, my friends and relatives all the time insisting that I should call a doctor. Finally I consented, and a doctor came to see me. He prescribed such strong and horrible medicine that I was in bed for a week, and when I did get up I was so weak I could hardly walk and was as thin as it is possible to be.
This was in the fall, and in the spring the chills returned. I again had Christian Science treatment, determined that I would rely upon Truth, for I knew if Christ should make me free I should be free indeed. I had four or five chills; then I was healed, and felt perfectly well and strong. Soon after this I went through a class in Christian Science, as I wished to know more of this truth which had been such a help to me. I had one more chill while going through the class, but since then have been perfectly well.
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January 16, 1904 issue
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Light in Dark Places
A. M. D.
To whom Much has been Given and Forgiven
The Lectures
with contributions from W. P. Buckley, C. E. Finlay, J. J. Eckford
The Intangibility of Matter
The Intangibility of Matter
"Rest for the Weary"
"Rest for the Weary"
True Comfort
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from John Lee Ambrose, Susan F. C. Hubbard, Elma Ruth Hubbard, George Farren, Mary M. Robinson, Robert Nall, Harriet M. Virtue
The whole family on my mother's side, as well as my...
John B. Sites
I want to give my mite to the world that others may...
Jessie W. Hucker
I did not think when I used to throw aside the papers...
Adrian Hegeman
Eight years ago when at a boarding school in Dresden, Germany...
Minnie P. Musser
I am a boy eleven years old, and go to Sunday School...
Walter Robinson
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good...
Wm. N. Greaves
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Minot J. Savage
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase