I am a boy eleven years old, and go to Sunday School...

I am a boy eleven years old, and go to Sunday School every Sunday. A little over a year ago I was taken with Saint Vitus' dance in its worst form, but I am thank ful that it was all overcome by the truth which we learn in Christian Science. I have been well and happy ever since, although a neighbor told me that it would come back every spring, but I have learned that that is not God's law.

When I went out to play again, a boy asked me what doctor I had. I told him that I had taken Christian Science treatment, and he said, "How can that help you?" I told him that it was praying to God to help us. Then he said, "How can God heal?" I asked him, "Do you believe God made you?" He said, "Yes." "Well," I said, "if God made you, can't you believe that He can heal you?" Then he stopped to think, but said nothing.

I am very thankful for what we learn in Sunday School. My little brother and sister and myself are members of the Christian Science Sunday School of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sheboygan, Wis.

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Testimony of Healing
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good...
January 16, 1904

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