Judge Lochren, in the United States District Court on the 1st handed down his decision in the case of the State of Minnesotar, the Northern Securities Company, the Great Northren Railway Company, the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and James J.
students of Christian Science are learning that whatever is needed in the way of literature for the benefit of themselves and the Cause is always supplied in due season.
problem of instilling into the minds of children not merely the habit, but the spirit of obedience, is one of exceeding interest to every conscientious parent, and to the Christian Scientist above every other.
Dear Friend:— You say: "Christ came and died for the sins of the world; now when we accept him we are quickened, made alive spiritually, yet our physical bodies are just as much subject to sickness and death as before we accepted him," and I would answer that as man was made in the likeness of Spirit.
neither dome nor turret tells the tale of your little church, its song and sermon will touch the heart, point the path above the valley, up the mountain, and on to the celestial hills, echoing the Word welling up from the Infinite, and swelling the loud anthem of one Father-Mother, God—o'er all victorious!".
of the most beautiful and helpful truths that has dawned on my consciousness as I have gradually come under the influence of Christian Science teaching, has been the new and clear definition of the word "Angels:" "They are pure thoughts from God, winged with Truth and Love, no matter what their individualism may be".
I should
like to express deep gratitude to God, the giver of all good, for the heavenly food with which He has so oft fed me through the Christian Science Journals, Sentinels, and Quarterlies.
wind was bleak and coldAs he sped with icy breath,And sought frail man to pierce and holdAgainst the gate of death—With rheum, and ache, and shivering sigh,To whelm his troubled breath.
, all government must be based upon the desire of the governed for the common good, and with this in view, there is prompt and cheerful acquiescence in the laws and rules which have been found necessary to insure the orderly and dignified progress of nations.
manifestations of Truth, taken as a whole, beget a concept of law, the unfoldment of which measures our advance in spirituality, for the full meaning of Spirit's supremacy is revealed to us only as we demonstrate the control of right thought,—the Christ within,—over every detail of daily life.
question, which was asked by Jesus when two of John's disciples came to him, might be repeated to-day when so many are leaving their homes and occupations, duty and pleasure alike, in quest of the change supposed to be desirable at this season of the year.
is no proposition, I suppose, upon which philosophers of all ages are more agreed, than the separation of every created object into its reality and its apparent reality.
Mary M. Dunn
with contributions from George Kuemmerlein, Jr.
Many years ago in my brother's home I endeavored to help with the care of the children, and to control myself and them through human love and firmness.
Christian Science was brought to my notice about six years ago by the evidence of immediate relief it gave to my sister, whose condition neither medicine nor climate had relieved.
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