very full account of the recent legislative battle and well-won victory in Texas will be of interest to our readers, as showing that in the matter of ministering to the sick another state has declared in favor of individual liberty and against class legislation.
A Religious
life must always precede religious statement and phenomena, and this important point was cleverly stated by the unknown writer who has said that "Somebody must be religious before anybody can be a theologian.
We are glad for the following sound and sensible comments respecting paternalistic legislation, from a cotemporary editor, even though he takes occasion to close with a rather uncomplimentary crack of his whip.
the necessity of obeying Jesus' command, "Heal the sick," has been urged upon the Christian world by Christian Science, its followers have frequently met with excuses for neglecting this vital part of Christianity, and with endeavors to justify a faith without healing power on the part of members of other religious denominations.
I became interested in Christian Science through reading a copy of The Christian Science Journal which was sent me by a friend who is a Christian Scientist.
For the purpose of encouraging some one as unfortunate as I once was, I will add my testimony to the healing power of Christian Science, which has delivered me from the bondage of using morphine in large quantities.
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