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A Plea for Fair Judgment
Boston Herald
Mr. Editor.
In a recent editorial you declared, "The medical science of the present day is the result of a building up, through generations, of the slowly acquired knowledge of the physical system of man." Then you declare, "The regular physician does not protend to be infallible; he does the best that his judgment will permit." All this we readily admit, and graciously accord to the noble army of honest physicians all the credit that is due them.
Do you expect Christian Scientists to obtain a full and perfect knowledge of the unseen spiritual power in thirty-five years while, according to your admission, the medical schools in their four thousand years' study of the visible material have acquired "but a fraction of what may later on be discovered concerning human ailments and their method of treatment and cure"?
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April 4, 1903 issue
View Issue-
The Doctrine of Christian Science
Clarence A. Buskirk
A Plea for Fair Judgment
Alfred Farlow
Practical Christianity
David B. Ogden
A Thoughtful Reply
Charles D. Reynolds
We read in the Gospel of John, "If ye abide in me, and...
Rees C. Vidler
The Future of Astronomy
Seth C. Chandler
Truth will bear the Light
Samuel Sale
Our German Periodical
Communion in the Mother Church
Editor with contributions from C. H. Spurgeon, Thomas Hughes
An Appeal to Caesar
Love Gives
The Lectures
with contributions from Sydney Smith, O.J. Craig, Miles Poindexter
Nothing can longer keep me from publicly acknowledging...
Louise E. Thorne
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Religious Items
with contributions from Richard Baxter, Henry Drummond, J. C. Shairp, Cicero