February figures of the Bureau of Statistics show the largest exports of any February in the history of our commerce, and also show that the exports of the three months ending with February were larger than those of the corresponding period of any earlier year.
impression that the mechanics of the universe presented in the future fewer chances for discovery or advance in knowledge than in the past, could only have sprung from ignorance and underappreciation of the magnitude of the problems confronting astronomy and still to be worked out on the broader stage, not merely of the next century, but of the next millennium.
of the Bible, the discussion of its errancy or inerrancy, of the parts that are inspired and of those which are history, science, poetry, or otherwise, together with the researches into "the rubbish heaps of forgotten centuries," has created a remarkable interest in the sacred book; it would not be correct to call it a revival, because within a century, and during a number of centuries, there has been no marked decline in Bible reading.
subscribes to the Sentinel have had opportunity ere this to see a copy of our German periodical, Der Christian Science Herold, and we are sure that those especially who have been able to read it, will unite in witnessing to the fair promise of this initial number and to the great and good work it is destined to accomplish in advancing the knowledge of Christian Science among the German people of this and other countries.
with contributions from C. H. Spurgeon, Thomas Hughes
have received a number of inquires regarding the date of the Communion in the Mother Church, and in order to remove all possible misunderstanding, we quote the following from the twenty-eighth edition of the Manual of the Mother Church:—
the earliest beginnings of time, evil was evil; and in the remotest, hoary cycles, so long as a belief of material existence remains, evil will be evil.
One evening my husband came home with his head bandaged, and said that a stick of wood from a machine had hit him on the cheek, cutting its way entirely through the flesh, and loosening a tooth.
Remembering the blessings that come to us through the study of our Lesson-Sermons, I must acknowledge the benefit I have received and also tell of some of the work which I know has been done.
On my way to a Wednesday evening meeting, not long since, this thought came to me, "You must express your gratitude for all Science has done for you;" then another thought followed, "You had best wait until you work out some of the hard problems that you have, before you say anything," then this thought came, "No, give praise at midnight.
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be send by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
with contributions from Richard Baxter, Henry Drummond, J. C. Shairp, Cicero
Any one who observes closely the words and phrases in current use for teaching religious truth is impressed by the fact that a new phraseology is establishing itself wherever earnest men with a real message try by tongue or pen to gain the attention and the assent of their fellow-men.
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