largest olive orchard in the world, and probably the most remarkable and successful experiment in the history of American agriculture, is located at Sylmar, twenty miles from Los Angeles, Cal.
Among the noteworthy and curious finds which have recently been brought to light from Egyptian excavations are the series of carved slate palettes found at Hierakonpolis, by Professor Petrie, in the great tomb of the first pre-dynastic kings, who reigned 6000 to 5000 B.
following extract from a recent editorial in a daily paper, commenting upon the break-down from overwork of a prominent business man, is quite interesting:—
the beginnings of Christian Science shall have found their true perspective, and the unprejudiced historian of the future addresses himself to the critical and comparative study of this epoch-making movement, he will not fail to note that inoffensiveness was one of its distinctive features.
painter who, though gifted with the skill of a Titian in the handling of brilliant colors, yet slights his sober grays and browns, sacrifices complete effects, fails of results.
the many encouraging signs above our political horizon, none is more promising than the part the editorial laity are taking in proclaiming the Gospel in its application to communal affairs.
parable of the Prodigal Son typifies that state of mortal consciousness which is so submerged in materiality and the gratification of the senses as to be perfectly satisfied with itself.
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
with contributions from Emma F. Burgess, Hannah More
The Christian Scientists of Long Beach met February 19, 1902, and formed a society with seventeen charter members, to be known as First Christian Science Association, Long Beach, Cal.
It is now just eight years since our attention was first called to Science and Health, and from the reading of the first line of the Preface—"To those leaning on the sustaining Infinite, to-day is big with blessings"—my husband and I have never ceased to give thanks for the innumerable moral and physical benefits which we and our children have received.
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