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Light for a Confused Sense
Savannah (Ga.) News
DR. MCCORKLE, in his recent sermon on Christian Science, said, as have many others, that Christian Science is neither "Christian nor scientific." The Standard Dictionary defines a Christian as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The same authority says science is "knowledge gained and verified by exact observation and correct thinking." It is therefore truth ascertained.
The Christian Scientist can truthfully, therefore scientifically, state, that by conforming his life to the teachings and practices of Jesus, he can verify his words and keep his commandments, healing the sick and reforming the sinner by one and the same metaphysical or spiritual process. If this is true, the Christian Scientist becomes an expert, and in a court of justice the expert's testimony is to be accepted before that of one who is not.
If the doctor has never healed by the Christian Science method, he of course is not a reliable witness, either for or against Christian Science. The doctor, however, is willing to admit that many Scientists are good people, some of them through the insistence of their teachings upon certain statements of the Bible, as that 'God is Love,' etc., may have found in their new faith a comfort which they never found in the orthodox churches, not because the orthodox churches are wrong on these points, but simply because these people have not before realized in a proper way the comforting features of the Christian faith.
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January 29, 1903 issue
View Issue-
In Reply to a Churchman's Criticism
W. D. McCrackan
Declaring the Truth
Alfred Farlow
Light for a Confused Sense
Edward H. Carman
An Interesting Discovery
W. L. Beasley with contributions from A. CONKLIN
The Lectures
with contributions from R. B. McCormick, James W. Lowe, John M. Miller
Branch Churches
with contributions from James Anthony Froude
The Business Man's Needs
The Business Man's Needs
"Put Up Thy Sword"
"Put Up Thy Sword"
Love's Labor
Contributions to the Church Building Fund
Editor with contributions from Booker T. Washington, Emerson
The Prodigal Son
A Clergyman to a Clergyman
Martin Sindall
A Word from Mr. Chase
Stephen A. Chase
Among the Churches
with contributions from Emma F. Burgess, Hannah More
When I was a small boy, I injured my foot in such a way...
Charles A. Epley
It is now just eight years since our attention was first...
Louise V. Mockridge
Christian Science came to me through a sister who...
Lula M. Haslup
I was in a situation as general housemaid but was much...
Mabel Bowden with contributions from James Freeman Clarke
with contributions from Herbert Putnam, Thorvald Solberg
Religious Items
with contributions from David Starr Jordan