Last June I had ten upper teeth drawn

Last June I had ten upper teeth drawn. I never had such fine work done before. Words cannot express my gratitude to Christian Science for destroying the fear I had of dentistry. There was no pain that night from lacerated gums. The dentist, at my request, used no medicine. No teeth were broken in extracting although the gums had grown over nearly all of them.

Our little boy was healed of a high fever in one afternoon with no return whatever. A case of cholera infantum was completely healed and the baby grew fat and hearty.

Our children depend on reading our Leader's books and the Christian Science Hymnal for their healing. I often think of our Master's love for little children when I see their perfect faith and trust in divine Love that supplies our every need. I cannot express my love and gratitude to our dear Mother for giving us this beautiful Truth.

H. N. W., Royal, Neb.

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Religious Items
May 29, 1902

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