It may be of interest to the Field to know that the subject of Christian Science was brought before the great Australian Anglican Congress held in Adelaide, state of South Australia, last month, by the Bishop of Christchurch, N.
are compelled to ask our readers and contributors to be satisfied with this acknowledgment of the reports of the Thanksgiving Day services in the branch churches, and to accept the statement that we would gladly publish all the reports if space permitted.
counselling the Colossians Paul said, "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man,"—and the injunction is certainly very wise and pertinent.
I would not have you think from what I have said or may say, or from what you may have observed in my daily life or in the lives of others, that the Scientist believes himself individually better in any way than those who have not yet attained to an understanding of Christian Science.
with contributions from J. R. Johnston, Alfred Farlow, J. E. E. Markley, W. Millard Palmer, George H. Daniels, William G. Ewing, Reed Stuart, Pearse Pinch
A large and representative auidence gathered at the Opera House, Tuesday evening [November II], to listen to the lecture of Dr.
It may interest the readers of the Sentinel to read of the penetration of Christian Science into this "up country" village of Umtali, in Rhodesia, South Africa.
Before I took up the study of Christian Science three years ago, I used to catch very severe colds in my chest and throat, and also had attacks of rheumatism and neuralgia.
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with contributions from J. R. Johnston, Alfred Farlow, J. E. E. Markley, W. Millard Palmer, George H. Daniels, William G. Ewing, Reed Stuart, Pearse Pinch