is an axiom that every individual must work out his own salvation, and this axiom is applicable to Christian Science churches as well as to individuals.
good and true alone have liberty and law of propagation, but if they may be anticipated, and the riches of their fruitage be effectively planned for and assured, no less certainly and wisely may evil be foreseen and its manifestations forestalled.
they were all amazed, and spake among themselves saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out.
been thinking lately about my work in Christian Science, and have been wondering what I should say if the question were asked, What is the most important thing in your work?
time ago, while thinking over saving money in the old way, these thoughts came very forcibly, that as we day by day overcome something of error in our lives, destroy our sense of limitation, and come into a larger sense of the fulness of Truth, we are placing to our credit in the Bank of Demonstration a balance from which we can always draw in case of need.
response to a late suggestion, we are receiving reports of meetings and methods of branch churches for securing contributions to the Building Fund of the Mother Church.
I wish to tell of Christian Science healing in our family First, because I believe grateful acknowledgment of God's benefits should be the first fruits of renewed spiritual life, and secondly, because I know from experience how these very experiences in detail serve as beacon lights to others striving for spiritual and physical perfection.
A short time ago, as I sat by the bedside of a dear sufferer trying to realize the Master's "Peace, be still," I recalled my own experience and know how real is the fear and how strong the belief.
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