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I thank God for Christian Science and what it has done...
I thank God for Christian Science and what it has done for me, physically, morally, and spiritually. It has lifted me out of sickness into health, out of gloom and despair into light and peace. It came to me as a messenger of Love, in a time of great mental and physical suffering, and led me gently to a higher and brighter sense of life, through that "right understanding of God" which "establishes health" (Science and Health). It has taught me how to make my faith in God practical in every-day life, bringing much broader, higher, and more satisfying results than had resulted from all past experience. I had searched the Scriptures with an inward longing for light and understanding, and the reward came, for I got glimpses of the truth, which, though dim, were still with influence, so that when I found Christian Science, and read its text-book, Science and Health by Mary Baker G. Eddy, I knew it was the key to unlock the Scriptures and reveal the Truth I had been searching and longing for. I very soon decided to "prove the doctrine" by a practical test.
I had, at this time, been in bed about three months with extreme nervous exhaustion and jaundice, resulting from hard work, improper diet, and exposure of such conditions of climate and environment as are generally considered a trial by the strongest, and I had never been thought very strong. Now every effort to get about or do any work, sent me back to bed again with great weakness and pain, backache, headache, and sharp cutting pains in the region of the liver.
While this was the condition, my mother remembered having heard of Christian Science as a healing remedy, and suggested that we try to find out what it was and if it could help me. I was fast losing faith in what materia medica could do for me, although I had reason to be very grateful for the kindness and faithful attendance of the doctor who had been handling the case. Previous to this I had had opportunity to observe and learn much from others' experience, as well as my own, for I had spent two years in a hospital training school for nurses, and had followed the profession of trained nurse from the time I graduated, in 1895, until, in my hour of need, I was led to Christian Science. We soon learned of a lady in Detroit who gave Christian Science treatments, and my mother wrote to her stating the case and asking if I could be helped. She replied that I could, and she would be glad to help me, when she returned from Boston, for which city she was about to leave Detroit for a couple of weeks. Would I, she asked, get the text-book of Christian Science, Science and Health, and read in the mean time, and on her return, call on her if I still wished treatment. I found the book at the home of a neighbor, who afterward told me I was about the last person she would have thought of offering it to, borrowed it, and began reading. At the end of the two weeks, I was so much helped that I knew I was on the high road to health, and did not need any other treatment than the impersonal treatment received through reading the book. I continued to read, and as far as I could understand the application of its teaching, tried to act upon it. In less than a month I was entirely healed of the nervous and jaundiced conditions and all their accompaniments, and have had no return of them; instead I have been surely gaining in every way a better condition of mind and body.
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October 9, 1902 issue
View Issue-
A Thoughtful Reply
Bicknell Young
The Question of Reality
Charles K. Skinner
The Nature of Evil
W. D. McCrackan
The Cause of Lightning
with contributions from Nathaniel Peabody Rogers
The Lectures
with contributions from F. C. Stewart, Cora Downer, Florence Fullerton, Roosevelt, Fenelon
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Which is It?
Which is It?
Timely Caution
Timely Caution
The Mid-Week Meeting
Thoughts on the Higher Life
K. E. W.
Christian Science Fruits
Help in Student Life
"Him with whom we have to do" (Hebrews, 4:13)
Frances Ridley Havergal
Among the Churches
with contributions from V. C. Bucklin, Lucy Mosher, Albert P. Rumohr
Value of the New Book
A Little More Love
Before learning of Christian Science, I had doctored for...
Minnie with contributions from M. Karns
I thank God for Christian Science and what it has done...
Carrie D. Haywood
One year ago I was indeed "forlorn and shipwrecked,"...
Cora M. Johnson
In the two years that I have been a student of Christian Science...
M. N. with contributions from Kreeshna, Goethe
Religious Items
with contributions from F. W. Robertson, Stanley, Channing, Frederick W. Farrar, H. A. Bridgman