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A Thoughtful Reply
The Interior
Mr. Editor.
Starting from the point upon which we agree, "that God in His spiritual being is the elemental fact in the universe," we must conclude that the fact remains throughout the infinity of that universe. The words, "in his spiritual being," might imply that God is something besides Spirit, but this, I take it, was not intended. Your statement that the Christian Scientist reaches his next conclusion "by a leap of the sheerest dogmatism" is unwarranted, as is the assertion, "Nothing but the jingle of phrases supports the assumption that because an infinite Spirit is the origin of all things, all things must be spirit—that God cannot create a form of existence different from himself." It is admitted that God is infinite Spirit. Being infinite Spirit, there is no logical conclusion other than that he must express himself after his own nature, after the nature of infinite Spirit. The Bible indicates that the kingdom of God is spiritual. It also indicates the destruction of the material world. If we believe this and admit it, then we must admit that the material world is finite, for the destruction of the Infinite is inconceivable and impossible. If Spirit then creates matter, we see the Infinite creating that which can be destroyed, or in other words, the Infinite creating finite, which is a contradiction of terms. From the standpoint of God, it is clear that we must deny matter a priori, or deny Spirit a priori. Why? Because God's creation is eternal, and his kingdom, which "shall have no end," according to the Bible, would be partly spiritual and partly material if we accept matter a priori. In other words, matter would be eternal like Spirit.
Christian Scientists do not deny the existence of matter as a human belief, but they must deny it as a part of eternal entity if that entity is admitted to be Spirit.
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October 9, 1902 issue
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A Thoughtful Reply
Bicknell Young
The Question of Reality
Charles K. Skinner
The Nature of Evil
W. D. McCrackan
The Cause of Lightning
with contributions from Nathaniel Peabody Rogers
The Lectures
with contributions from F. C. Stewart, Cora Downer, Florence Fullerton, Roosevelt, Fenelon
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Which is It?
Which is It?
Timely Caution
Timely Caution
The Mid-Week Meeting
Thoughts on the Higher Life
K. E. W.
Christian Science Fruits
Help in Student Life
"Him with whom we have to do" (Hebrews, 4:13)
Frances Ridley Havergal
Among the Churches
with contributions from V. C. Bucklin, Lucy Mosher, Albert P. Rumohr
Value of the New Book
A Little More Love
Before learning of Christian Science, I had doctored for...
Minnie with contributions from M. Karns
I thank God for Christian Science and what it has done...
Carrie D. Haywood
One year ago I was indeed "forlorn and shipwrecked,"...
Cora M. Johnson
In the two years that I have been a student of Christian Science...
M. N. with contributions from Kreeshna, Goethe
Religious Items
with contributions from F. W. Robertson, Stanley, Channing, Frederick W. Farrar, H. A. Bridgman