following sketch of one of the greatest marvels of modern engineering skill, is taken from the columns of the Denver Republican and The Scientific American
What has often surprised the Chinese and other easterns is that the western world should profess a religion which is the absolute negation of their whole tone of mind and manner of life.
sympathy with its open-handed charity, its word of commiseration, its tearful pity, and its tender counselings of resignation, comes to the sufferer in such a guise as not to be easily recognized as the subtlest of enemies.
It is a somewhat unusual thing for a commission of inquiry into economic conditions to commend the practical application of religious teaching as the only remedy for prevailing disorders, and Mr.
time to time, there have been exploited by various papers and magazines, voting contests for the most popular, the wittiest, and so on; the person receiving the greatest number of votes to be awarded a prize.
Wednesday evening meetings, established by our Leader, are unique and useful in the working of our Cause, and the progress of students in the solving of individual problems.
of the promises that Jesus gave to mankind was "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," and Paul having come to the understanding of this liberating truth through demonstration, declared "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
The hour is coming when men's holy churchShall melt away in ever-widening walls,And be for all mankind, and in its placeA mightier church shall come, whose covenant wordShall be the deeds of love.
with contributions from V. C. Bucklin, Lucy Mosher, Albert P. Rumohr
In grateful acknowledgment of help received through reports from other churches, we submit the following, hoping it may prove an encouraging messenger to other little bands of workers for the cause of Christian Science.
I would like to add my word of gratitude to the many that have been spoken for the new edition of Science and Health, and to tell how its reading uncovered an error for me.
content of the worldling is not in his gold,Nor in wanton pleasures nor grasp of power,Though he striveth to gain these hour by hour,And yieldeth them homage till time is old;For stronger than passions or greed of gainIs his yearning for love, like a secret painThat no earthly treasures have yet consoled.
Before learning of Christian Science, I had doctored for several years for many severe chronic diseases, and becoming discouraged, I prayed God to direct me out of such a discordant state, and if there were a higher, holier life that I might know it, and walk in it.
In the two years that I have been a student of Christian Science, life has been one continuous demonstration of the "present help" and the infinite wisdom of the one Mind.
with contributions from F. W. Robertson, Stanley, Channing, Frederick W. Farrar, H. A. Bridgman
The coming again to our world of the Lord Jesus is a cardinal doctrine of Christianity, frequently spoken of by the New Testament writers, and yet a doctrine which has found exaggerated interpretations.
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