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How I was Awakened to the Truth
So many tell of healing that I shall tell of my awakening into this glorious day, and how Truth found me in my need. I had heard vaguely of Christian Science through a cousin who had been healed and was living in Chicago, but I knew nothing of it. When I was starting out with a camping party a gentleman said to me, "You look very badly; if I were your mother I would not let you go." From this trip I was brought home on a stretcher. After recovering, I was so long in gaining strength that I decided to go to Chicago to this cousin. A friend said to me, "What will you do about Christian Science? I'll wager you will be one." I replied, "You know me and say that! You are a Presbyterian and I've visited your sister for weeks and weeks, and never became one."
In my room in Chicago were piled many Journals, which I surreptitiously removed. The subject was never mentioned to me, which really aroused interest and curiosity One day I went to call upon a friend. While there a Scientist came in; they talked a few minutes, mentioning the Scientific interpretation of the word Trinity. I said nothing, but the Truth was making itself felt.
When I went home I said to my friend, "I heard my cousin say they were going to move into the Auditorium to-morrow, and I shall stay here and go without their knowing anything about it at the house." I went, and I thank God for finding me, a lost or strayed sheep. I am now a member of the Mother Church. After returning home it seemed right that I should play the organ in an Episcopal church, which I did from Christmas till Easter, and I knew that I was to be a Scientist and nothing else. Even though from that time until now I and one other have stood the only Scientists in a town of twenty-five thousand, I have never regretted my change of thought.
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August 2, 1900 issue
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Wonders of the Pan-American Exposition
Mark Bennitt
In Reply to Rev. A. C Williams
Alfred Farlow
Bible the Keystone of English Style
with contributions from Whittier
The World's Uproar
In Regard to Clippings
Among the Churches
with contributions from Emily L. Ware, W. M. Haskell, Ella L. Manson
The Moqui Indians
Mabel W. Collins
Casting Bread
"Freely Ye have Received, Freely Give"
Abiding in Truth
By M. D.
Found the True Way in Christian Science
Rossie C. Ludlow
Physical and Moral Healing
George D. McKay
How I was Awakened to the Truth
Katey M. Smith
Testimony of a Child
Isabel Tuchfarber
Life is Joy
Amy B. Read
How the Sentinel is Appreciated
Vinton Holbrook with contributions from Spurgeon
Religious Items
with contributions from Drummond, Stopford A. Brooke, T. Watson