thou dost, do well—it may not stand An hour, it may for centuries endure; But thou shalt have performed thy Lord's command, And thy reward shall be forever sure.
we were to trust the testimony offered by the corporeal, or physical, senses to-day, we should be obliged to say that the world is in a truly pitiable condition.
Clippings from newspapers and other periodicals, suitable for publication in the Sentinel, are always acceptable, especially those that relate to the growth and progress of our cause throughout the Field.
we hear it said by those who have experienced the beneficial effects of Christian Science, that they would like to testify to such, but their cures are of such a nature that people could not believe them unless they knew the facts of the case.
words have a new and far deeper meaning for us in Christian Science, and yet we see now that it is only their simple, literal meaning, that somehow we have always missed.
At a time when I was very much discouraged and depressed a Scientist, to whom I had gone for help, said to me, "Life is joy, just try to realize that Life is joy.
To one living on a farm in a newly settled country where adherents to this faith are seldom met, that day each week is dear, when the Christian Science family gather round and pour their words of wisdom, encouragement, and love into his quiet home through the columns of the Sentinel.
with contributions from Drummond, Stopford A. Brooke, T. Watson
In its church news the Congregationalist gives the following: "Churches have often been criticised for adopting a creed which contains articles to be accepted intellectually, but which do not require one to do anything for the benefit of one's fellow-men.
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