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How I was Healed by Christian Science
In the fall of 1899 I gave birth to a baby girl. When she was four weeks old, I brought upon myself, by being too ambitious for my strength, a female trouble, a very uncommon and severe one. My strength entirely left me. I could sit up but a few hours at a time, and my suffering at times was intense. This thought was uppermost in my mind and I could not dismiss it, Why did this trouble come upon me? I had planned to take such comfort with my baby and had tried to be careful lest I should exert myself too much, and, like Job, the thing I greatly feared had come upon me. I was most miserable in mind and body. I knew something about Christian Science and had read some in the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," but could not understand it, and never had thought it necessary to investigate it. But now I began to think more seriously about it. I knew it had healed my mother of many ills, among which was this same trouble, after doctors, medicine, and the hospital had failed to relieve her. It was pronounced by all to be a very uncommon and peculiar weakness, and they could not seem to reach it. I knew from her experience that I had no hope in material means, and was ready for Christian Science.
One day I was complaining that I must be an invalid all the rest of my life, when my mother said, "No; you need not be like this all your life. There is a cure-all, why don't you write to Mrs. D. for treatment?" I answered that I had thought of it, but was not quite ready to mention it to my husband. Though he did not oppose Christian Science, yet he seemed to be of the opinion that it was more for people who did not have much the trouble with them, than for a severe sickness or organic trouble. I felt that he would want me to go through the category of patent medicines for female trouble first, and then try Christian Science if they failed to effect a cure. Imagine my surprise when that very evening as he was reading the testimonials in the Sentinel, he looked up and asked, "Why don't you try Christian Science? Perhaps it would help you." Surely the spirit of Love moved him to speak.
I wrote to a healer the next day, and she took up my case. After I sent the letter my mother came in bringing "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, for me to read. I remember thinking, "Oh, if I could only be healed without reading that book!" for I could not understand it enough to keep my mind on it. But she left it, and I opened to page 415 and read, "Never tell the sick they have more courage than strength. Tell them, rather, that their strength is in proportion to their courage." That whole paragraph seemed to apply to me and sounded so different from anything I had previously read in the Look. I read it over and over and kept the book near me after that, and read constantly. My healer worked lovingly and faithfully for me for eight or nine weeks, and to-day I am in better health than I have been for years. I am perfectly well.
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June 28, 1900 issue
View Issue-
The Prayer of Faith
with contributions from I. M. S.
Defends Christian Science
Willard S. Mattox
Answers Rev. Galeener
Archibald M'Lellan
The Granite Monthly
with contributions from F. B. MEYER
Scientists at Pleasant View
A Pleasant Occasion
A Mistake
Our Leader's Message
Among the Churches
SARAH A. PINE with contributions from Wm. F. Tucker, Frank H. Kelley, Sarah A. Wilson
The Lectures
with contributions from G. Frost Slocum, Frank B. Lown
From a Missionary in Turkey
Ada J. Miller
Hope Set Before Us
Why I am a Scientist
Some Convictions
BY N. M. D
Candid Opinion of an Honest Seeker
A Word of Gratitude
G. H. T.
Gratitude for the Printed Lectures
How I was Healed by Christian Science
Maude A. May
Grateful for Spiritual Uplifting
Lurline Sheafor
Made Free Indeed
C. V. Bronson
From a Business Man
James Van Inwagen with contributions from John Ruskin