News of Healing


The healings we publish are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over a century.

The most recently-published testimonies are at the top.

March 24, 1917
Verna Mahone Hines
March 24, 1917
Marion O. Simonds
March 24, 1917
Lillian Stockwell Trask
March 24, 1917
Philip D. Steinmetz
March 24, 1917
R. E. Brobst
March 24, 1917
Pearl Strickland Strong
March 24, 1917
John H. N. Davis
March 24, 1917
Emilie Brandenberger-Schmidt
March 24, 1917
Jeannie Hunter
March 24, 1917
Satie M. Boldtmann