News of Healing


The healings we publish are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over a century.

The most recently-published testimonies are at the top.

February 12, 1990
Rosemarie Būrstenbinder
February 12, 1990
Helen Jane Yole with contributions from Charles S. Yole
February 5, 1990
Inge Ziegler
February 5, 1990
Paulette J. Watkins
February 5, 1990
Ferris Andrew Bell
February 5, 1990
Fay Kallos Fahs
February 5, 1990
Hippolyte Marc
January 29, 1990
Karolee Peters Downing
January 29, 1990
Maria T. Cabrera
January 29, 1990
Ewan C. MacQueen, Jr.